Karla News

Is My Boyfriend the One for Me?

How do you know that the right one is really the right one? This is a major decision because it is going to reflect the rest of your life. There are some things that can be done to make the decision process easier, though, nothing that could be done is going to make the feelings any easier to deal with.

The major thing to think about is the pros and cons. This is the point when the thought has been crossing the mind quite frequently if that person is the right one. Sit down and write out all of the cons about the not so significant other and all of the pros. Finally when the list is completely compiled, figure out which of the pros outweighs the cons. Then deliberate over them.

Another successful measure in this process is to try and imagine your life with them in 10 or 20 years. Can you imagine having babies with them? Will they be able to support you and the children (a woman can’t work for 6-8 weeks after giving birth), you need to make sure that a guy can handle the extra strain on the relationship. Not only that, but you also have to think about if you believe this person will be faithful to you. There is also the fact that the goals in both of your lives may not match up, and a serious relationship might hold one of you back. Another big thing is what happens when all the first date lovey dovey stuff goes away, and your stuck with a guy that you aren’t sure you’re supposed to be with, what then? All of these things need to cross your mind. You seriously need to outweigh some things or call it quits on the other.

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One mistake that I have seen an innumerable amount of couples participate in is the dreaded, “well all I have to do is change this one little thing, and he’ll be perfect.” That is a Big No! Whatever happens do not get into a serious relationship with someone that you already know something important has to change about them. Now I’m not saying that people don’t change because they do, but if you get into a relationship and you want to change someone then it’s not a good thing to be in. You have to be happy especially if you are going to spend the rest of your life with someone.

In no way am I against getting married, but my goal out of this article is to make sure that the beautiful unity of marriage is not squandered. Marriage is something that is meant to be for a lifetime, in certain cases I’m glad to see one end (as in abusive relationships) however, every other time it is such a tragedy that the options were not weighed beforehand and then a lot of heartbreak could have been stopped. Getting married is a serious decision; make sure that it’s for love and not for lust. Let’s try and keep marriage from turning into heartbreak by taking a few precautionary steps.