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Include Toe Straighteners in Your First Aid Kit

There are many things you can fill an emergency or first aid kit with. One such thing that can neatly be tucked into one of the above kits to take on camping, hiking, bicycling and other outings or to have at home in case you need them doesn’t seem like it is very significant. But in a crisis it can be very significant especially when it comes to immobilizing movement and to lessen pain through movement. The little mystery trinket of first aid is a toe straightener.

A toe straightener is often used to relieve the pressure of hammertoes or crooked toes. Hammertoes or crooked toes can cause all kinds of mischief. They can rub against other toes, which can cause blisters or they can scratch neighboring toes with their nail. They can hide under toes and push them into uncomfortable positions where they may be mashed into the surface of shoes. A toe straightener can be purchased to accommodate anywhere from one to three toes. You just slip the toe straightener over the affected toe and it holds the toe straight. So why would a toe straightener be an asset to have in a first aid kit you may be wondering.

A toe straightener can help to immobilize a broken or injured toe even multiple toes depending on how many toes the straightener was purchased to accommodate. I think that a double or triple toe straightener would be the best to have in a first aid kit. A triple toe straightener would help to immobilize neighboring toes so that they wouldn’t worsen the injury or cause additional pain to a broken toe that is caught in the middle. A double toe straightener would immobilize two toes but if the toe that had the injury was caught in the middle, the toe that wasn’t immobilized could cause pain. If a toe straightener was needed having one that immobilized two to three toes would be of better benefit to the toe in need. Since toe straighteners usually cater to the three toes in the middle between the big toe and the pinkie toe, the single toe straightener gives you a one out of three chance of fitting the toe that was injured. Of course, immobilizing any toes that may strike an injured toe is a plus. A big toe and a pinkie toe can still benefit if they get injured without being immobilized by a toe straightener if the neighboring toes are immobilized. But there should be big toe and pinkie toe straighteners on the market as well.

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You may be able to use a toe straightener to equip, immobilize and lessen pain through movement of injured or broken fingers. That is if they will fit over the fingers. They may be too big since they are made for toes or possibly too snug if the finger knuckles are large. Otherwise the fit will be somewhere in-between.

With all injuries be sure to watch for swelling. Swelling that occurs inside a toe straightener may cut off the circulation. Check for signs of circulation distress. At any time, if the swelling starts to cut off the circulation remove the toe straightener. You may have to cut it off.