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Illusions Opaques Contact Lenses by Ciba Vision, Soft Blue: Review

Blue Eyes

I have green eyes. The rarest color supposedly. I was born with dark dark brown eyes, and as a child I always prayed for blue eyes. Everyone else in my family had these gorgeous sparkling blue eyes. Everyone but me. I got poop brown.

However as I grew older, and prayed daily for blue eyes… they eventually began to lighten up. Strange I know. My dark brown eyes turned hazel when I first went through puberty. I thought it was cool, but they were still a brown color. Just lighter.

As year went by though, my hazel eyes eventually turned a really nice bright color of green. I liked the change, and people take notice to my green eyes. However I still wasn’t satisfied. I wanted blue eyes! BLUE!!!

So instead of praying to angels and heavens creatures I simply bought blue eyes. I figured these green eyes of mine were not changing to blue, so I’ll change them myself.

I had always wanted contacts, as long as I could remember. At around 14 I began buying them, but didn’t like how they looked. Pixelated and fake. Digital like, white noise.

That was because I was buying $20.00 contacts though. I decided to splurge a little, and ended up going to an eye doctor to try on versions of contacts that were a bit more expensive.

I tried a few on, and finally fell in love with Ciba Visions Illusions Opaques. The color; soft blue.

Now on my green eye the blue took on a color of it’s own. I didn’t end up with blue eyes, I ended up with striking aqua colored eyes. Like a tropical sea. I was in love.

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I had to have them. Price was no object… okay well at the time I only had $250.00 on me. SCORE! The Illusions Opaques were $175.00 for a set. I dropped my cash, had my eyes measured for correct sizing, waited a week and finally had my new blue eyes… Aqua I mean.

That was a few years ago… quite a few years ago. Ciba Vision though is still making Illusions Opaques contact lenses though, so I have re-purchased them time and time again.


This is how Ciba Vision Illusions manages to keep me as a customer. In the past (and even after buying Ciba Vision) I had purchased cheaper lenses. However these cheap lenses always left my eyes itchy and dry in just a few hours, and I found myself applying lense solution over and over again.

With Illusions Opaques Contact Lenses by Ciba Vision I would not feel any discomfort, drying, or itchiness all throughout the day. There were times where I totally forgot they were even in, and I nearly fell asleep with them on before. That is truly how comfortable they are.


Illusions Opaques Contact Lenses by Ciba Vision comes in more colors than just blue. You have the option to choose from deep colors which are designed for darker eyes, and soft colors which go better on lighter eyes.

Actual colors include blue, green, violet, gray, and amber. Colors can be found in soft or deep except for grey and amber.


Another HUGE dilemma I had come across wearing contacts was how fake some looked. Up close looking into a mirror I was able to tell I was wearing a colored lenses. It just didn’t look natural.

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That all changed with Illusions Opaques Contact Lenses by Ciba Vision. These lenses look 100% natural. There is nothing fake about them. Up close looking at them in a mirror, and you cannot tell I am wearing lenses. I’s truly realistic.

Life Expectancy:

The eye doctor told me that I should throw them out in about 3 months. However he then told me that they could last much longer depending on how well I took care of them. He said, I will know when to throw them out, as they will begin to cause discomfort.

Well my first pair lasted me a year. The $175.00 was worth it in my opinion.


Illusions Opaques Contact Lenses by Ciba Vision is the most comfortable contact lenses I have ever used. I like being able to change my eye color whenever I want. I have been a customer for years, and the lenses are always comfortable. I don’t have to reapply lens solution drips to my eyes every hour.

I highly recommend them to anyone looking to change the color of their eye.

Click here for more information, and colors. The contacts can be found here for much less then going to the eye doctor. However you have to know your eye size in order to order them online.