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How to Use a Yahoo Chat Booter

A yahoo chat booter is an application that can be used to boot people out of a chatroom on
yahoo. It’s done by loading up a lot of bots or screennames that you’ve created and
simultaneously sending packets to the user and bumping them off the yahoo servers. In this
new how to I’m going to go over the basic steps to running a booter that you’ve already


** Making some Bots **

This can be done a few different ways. You can either log into yahoo and just create them
one at a time, just as if you were making a new email/chat account or you can download a
program called a bot maker/id creator and have it make a bunch of names for you. I prefer
to use a bot maker..

** Load your bots into your booter **

1. Open your booter
2. Find a button that says load, click it, find the text file where you’ve saved all your

screennames. They look like this:

They need to have the : in the middle seperating the screenname and the password with no
spaces. This way your booter reads the screenname and passwords and logs your bots
onto the yahoo servers so that they can be used.

** Start booting **

1. Log into a chatroom that you would like to run your yahoo booter.

2. On your booter, locate the text box where you can type in the name of the person you
want to boot from chat and type in their screen name. It has to be exact with what ever
spacing, caps , or any other characters. This is because you booter is going to send the
boot packets to the name you’ve typed in.

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3. All booters are different. Some have multiple boot options that may say “flood”,
“disconnect”, “boot”, “exploit”. Locate whichever one you have a press it. This starts the
packets sending. Watch the screen name of the person you’ve typed in and watch it
If it doesn’t leave the room, this is for a few reasons. There are programs out there that try
to resist your booter. Also if a person has their private messaging turned of this can block
you as well. The main reason for this is probably that you don’t have enough bots created
and it’s not doing well. When I used to boot I would load in at least 100 bots at a time.
Another reason may be that the booter has been patched by yahoo and it just simply
doesn’t work. If this the case you’ll need to go download another one. Booters are typically
only good for 30 days and if a lot of people have the same one it will probably get patched a
lot faster. Also, if you boot non stop, yahoo will pick up on your bot names and ban those
id’s and you’ll have to create more.

If you need help with locating a chat booter then please see my other articles that I have written pertaining to yahoo chat booters.
