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How to Succeed in Network Marketing and MLM Without Really Trying

MLM, Mlm Business, Vemma

Through the years Multi Level Marketing or “MLM” has received a somewhat negative reputation with most people. Most people are turned off with the approach of being sold something they are not interested in, or selling a product they do not really think is good just to make money.

We have all heard the stories of how someone got involved in one of those “pyramid” schemes and lost several hundred or several thousands of dollars and how the “guy at the top” made all the money.

Anyone who heard a story like that would definitely be NOT INTERESTED in MLM FOREVER!

Within the last several years, MLM has been referred to as “Network Marketing”. It sounds a little bit more professional but most people realize what something is no matter what you call it.

So with this terrible reputation that doesn’t go away, how does anyone succeed in MLM?

The only way to succeed in MLM or Network Marketing is to not really try at all. If you are trying to succeed at MLM, it will never happen. What do you mean by that? You say.

The whole basis of MLM is the marketing of a product or service, person to person through word of mouth or other personalized methods.

Trying to convince anyone of the greatness of your product or service will just not work.

In order to really succeed at MLM, you have to be a real user of the product and service and realize it’s benefits. If you do it just for the money people will see through you 100%.

Do you really like the product you are buying? Would you use it and buy it even it wasn’t MLM? Would you refer it even if you didn’t get paid to refer it?

This is the true test of the MLM fire. Would you refer the product even if you did not get paid for it?

If the answer is no, then you better quit now and save or money for other products that get you excited about using, because without an underlying passion for the product or service and some experiences using it you will never succeed in the long term.

When you are happy just to be buying and trying the products yourself without the business opportunity involved you are already a winner, in that you get to use a product that makes you happy, even if you don’t make money at it.

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Understand what’s going on here? Genuine satisfaction makes you successful already because you are happy with the product or service. Telling others and making money is just icing on the cake.

So here’s the mlm formula for success:


Product usage/consumption + Complete happiness with the product = MLM Success

You say it can’t be that simple. Yet it is. You see, what anyone is looking for in MLM or anyone other business is a WIN WIN situation. If you are happy with the product you WIN. The company wins too when you are happy in that they have a long term customer.

When you are happy about a great product, you naturally tell others about it. When you try to sell something to make money, other’s will smell your greed and need.

Here’s the formula again:
Product usage/consumption + complete happiness with the product = MLM Success

If one of the two elements are missing you will not succeed.

You say you are using the product and you are totally happy with it but you still can’t make the big bucks or even become positive cash flow with your mlm business?

There is a second half of the formula…

P + P + P = LTMLMS

Let’s take a look at this in more detail:

Patience + Persistence + Passion = Long Term MLM Success

Let’s break it down:

Patience. Most people are impatient. Most people want success yesterday. Most people are too busy just trying to make ends meet that they can not realize or even think about the long term…6 months from now, a year from now, 2 years from now, 5 years from now….and more…MLM requires that you build a business ONE PERSON at a time. It takes time and effort for an organization to grow. It literally happens one person at a time. The exponential growth doesn’t happen in the first 3 to 6 months, it happens later…it happens when it happens, when your org has grown to several builders building other builders. You are a builder. At first you will be the only builder. You have to find and even develop builders. If you don’t have the patience to stay with the program and jump to something else you will never have the foundation for your group to grow on it’s own. This is why it is so CRITICAL to be happy with the product yourself even if not one person joins your group as a customer or distributor. The product has to be so good that you almost don’t want to share it with anyone else because it might spoil the situation. Get the psychology here? Be in love with your product or service and you’ll be in for the long haul.

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Persistence. This is where the difference between the BIG FISH and LITTLE FISH are made. So now you’ve made a decision to share this product you love and try to make some money at it. You go out and tell a few people and you get shot down. They don’t care smack about what you have to offer. You try and try again. You get shot down more. Your friends and family especially those closest to you begin to sense that you are insane. You start to question yourself…..You decide that the products are pretty good…thousands of others are using them so they can’t be that bad. You start to question yourself. Is it me? Maybe I’m not cut out for this mlm stuff. But you still want to believe in the dream. It is possible? Isn’t it? I am not crazy. I am not stupid. Why can’t I do this? You blame the company or comp plan. The reality is that every company and every comp plan has successful reps making big money. Why are you struggling you ask yourself. You decide that maybe it’s just timing or the company and you don’t really match…Great! SO WHAT? Did you do this to make money or do you really like the product? If you did it just to make money people will smell your selfishness. Remember MLM is about serving others with a great product and telling your story. The little fish lose persistence and forget about the bigger picture. Read that again the little fish lose PATIENCE. The big fish realize they are just one step closer to getting it right everytime they fail…and at all times they are still loving their product or service.

Passion. This is the last component of success but it’s really the first component. It’s the main component. The main thing. Usually when people get started in MLM they are able to convince a few people or at least someone to buy and or try their product. Whether it’s a neighbor, a friend, family or a complete stranger. In the beginning it’s pure BLIND PASSION. Real passion is not blind. Real passion sees the thing for what it is. Real passion does not get shut down just because a few people shot down your pitch. Real passion from the core can not be stopped. Others may deny your passion, and others may even try to put your fire out… but your fire is still lit because it is inside you. Even if you do not have any of the other components of the MLM formula you will still succeed in mlm because your passion for the product will see you through. Without passion even if you have all of the other components you will only be a little fish at best. The lesson here is to find a product/program/company that you are PASSIONATE about and not worry about the money. If they are a legit company with financial stability and a published comp plan THEY WILL PAY YOU…SO DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE MONEY. DON’ T WORRY ABOUT GETTING PAID. BECAUSE THE MONEY WILL COME. The single most important part of mlm success is to be passionate about your product and your company. With this you can’t help but be happy and a winner no matter what happens. Position yourself for success with PASSION. And after some reflection if you are not passionate about your product then find something that you think is just incredible! You have to think “this is an awesome product”. You have to want to be able to tell your story about it. The passion has to come from inside you. If you have it you know you have it. If you don’t have it, you need to find something you’re passionate about soon.

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One product I am passionate about is Vemma. Not everyone is passionate about health and nutrition. But for me I use it everyday, get great results with it and the home based business aspect is just fabulous as well.

I wish you the Best Success With Your MLM Product and Company.

Zig Noda