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How to Stop a Summer Cold in Its Tracks

Cold Sore Remedies, Cold Symptoms, Head Cold

There’s nothing worse than a summer cold. After all, who has time for cough, sniffles or other cold symptoms? Summer colds are simply no fun at all. While everyone’s outside soaking up the sunshine, you’re on the couch…or worse.

Of course, a summer cold is just like any other cold, except it’s probably more inconvenient due to the timing of vacations and family getaways. Summer cold symptoms may include stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, cough and a mild fever. Fevers are particularly difficult when the air outside is warm and humid. In addition, during the lazy days of early summer, allergies can combine with summer cold symptoms to make the summer cold experience that much more challenging.

According to the experts at WebMD, cold symptoms will linger for about four to 10 days if you’re not taking any kind of special medicine. But, you need to be vigilant in terms of managing your cold symptoms, especially when colds of any kind can make you more susceptible to bacterial infections.

What can you do to manage your symptoms while you wait for your summer cold to pass? Plenty. Check out these ideas on How to Stop a Summer Cold in its Tracks. Sure to send your summer cold packing, once and for all.

Drink plenty of fluids. Staying hydrated is essential in keeping your summer cold symptoms in check.

Rest up. Sufficient sleep and rest will allow your body to naturally heal itself from your summer cold.

Avoid coffee, tea and other drinks with caffeine. Drinking these beverages during a summer cold can dehydrate you, especially if you are taking a decongestant. If you must drink tea, remove the tea bag quickly and add a drop of lemon juice. This should sooth your dry throat and help clear other head cold symptoms.

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Eat light meals, like saltines, white rice and broth. Chicken soup can be particularly comforting and its steam can help you clear your stuffy nose.

Try saline nasal spray. This might work better than, say, a nasal decongestant which can actually worsen your symptoms after 2 or 3 days of use. I recommend Ocean Premium Nasal Spray. It works great and is available at your local pharmacy or online retailer.

Try camphor products, like chest rubs, to relieve congestion before bedtime. I recommend Vick’s Vapor Rub. Patches made of camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol are also effective, but should not be used on young children due complications associated with accidental ingestion.

Take over the counter remedies, as directed. These can help manage your aches, pain and fever. Consult your doctor and health care professional on what over-the-counter medicine might be best for you. I like Vick’s DayQuil and NyQuil. These products work wonders to keep summer cold symptoms at bay.

When is a cold possibly more than a summer cold?

Sometimes cold symptoms mask something more serious, like a bacterial infection. Consult with your doctor or other health care professional if you develop the following symptoms:

Inability to swallow
Sore throat for more than two or three days
Cold symptoms begin to worsen
Stiff neck
Fever above 101 degrees
Cold symptoms during pregnancy
Colds at the same time children have cold symptoms


Understanding Cold Symptoms
Cold and Flu Center, Web MD

Common cold
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Tips for Relieving Cold Symptoms
By Hannah Rice Myers in Livestrong

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