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How to Sell Used Tack and Show Clothes

Free Classified Ads, Sales Strategy

If you have changed disciplines, purchased a new horse, or “grown” into a new clothing size you probably have used tack and riding apparel you’d like to part with in exchange for cash. Having made the decision to sell your used equipment, you are now looking for a sales strategy that will give you the greatest value. Here is a simple plan to help you successfully sell your unwanted items.

Quality Used Tack and Show Clothing

Quality leather and fabrics will typically sell more easily than poorly constructed tack or cheaply made clothing. Even though your potential buyers desire used goods, they are still looking for great deals on products that will last them many years. Broken tack will require repair and buyers will certainly haggle over price on broken items since they will have to spend more money to make the repairs. A good rule of thumb is that if you don’t want it or can’t use it because it is in poor condition, few others will either.

Prepare to Sell: Clean, Organize, and Price your Equine Equipment

Presentation is everything. Could you look past a mud-encrusted halter to the rich leather beneath? What about the dried bit of slobber on the thigh of show pants for sale? Present your items by making sure they are clean and tidy. Give leather a good conditioning, polish silver pieces, wax boots, and make sure show clothes have been freshly washed and pressed or dry cleaned. Layout or hang up tack and clothing so that it looks its best – even though it might have been, it shouldn’t look as though it has been wadded up in a tack trunk or closet.

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Categorize and price. Decide which pieces will be more attractive to buyers if packaged together and what you will sell individually. Write down your asking price for each item and know what your lowest acceptable price is if you receive a counter offer. If you struggle with pricing your items, do some research online. Use Google or search specific websites such as Craigslist and eBay to see what others are selling the same items for – look for comparisons by brand, age, and amount of wear. Keep in mind that some items may depreciate more than others. A gently used, well-made saddle may still fetch 75% of its value while well-used work tack and some show clothing will not sell for even half the original cost.

Know an Equine Professional

Possibly the quickest way to make sales with your used tack and show clothing is to work with a local equine professional. It can be as simple as one phone call to set up a visit with his or her clients, a drive to the farm with your vehicle loaded up, and cash sales on the spot (remember to bring small bills so you can make change).

You provide a great benefit to the trainer or instructor by coming to the farm because it costs them nothing and the clients have no obligation to buy. Bring a friend to help you unload and hold items while you discuss sizes and product details with potential customers. This is such a simple way to sell – it will prove to be worth the drive!

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Internet Sales

Targeted marketing within the horse industry is possible on the Internet through equine websites. Narrowing your audience by advertising on specific breed or discipline sites will help you sell your items faster. Some of these sites may charge fees to post pictures and descriptions, but many are free.

It is also common to use sites such as Craigslist for the free classified ads. All you need to do is create an account, post pictures, and provide descriptions and contact information. This may be a viable solution if you live in an area where the horse industry is active. eBay is another option – one with a widespread market. Be clear about expectations on shipping costs and your return policy since you will have to decide whether it is worth selling outside your local area.

The Local Tack Swap

Riding centers, 4-H clubs, and breed associations typically host “Tack Swaps” in which the general public is invited to attend. These organizations may send out postcards about the events and will normally post information in local tack or feed stores. A folding card table, portable clothes rack, and saw-horses make for easy set up of a booth from which to sell your wares. Tack Swaps are fundraisers for the host organizations so make sure you know the percentage of sales you are contributing when you settle up at the end of the events.

Equine Tack and Clothing Consignment

An online or local equine consignment shop may help sell your used tack and show clothing quickly since they have a ready market, but they will also take the highest commission of the options laid out in this article. These commissions can be as high as 40% of the sale price (and the store determines the sale price). You often receive pennies on the dollar for the sales. High-end consignment shops exist and if your show clothing is custom-made by a reputable designer or tailor, it pays to be choosy about where you send your clothing and custom tack.

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Successful Tack & Apparel Sales

The simple formula laid out here for selling your used tack and show clothes will turn your unwanted items into money for future equine pursuits! Start with quality and then present the items cleanly and neatly in an organized fashion. Begin selling! Instead of choosing one of the four sales strategies listed above, plan to do them all starting with a farm visit or free internet advertisement since you receive 100% of the sales. Take the remaining unsold items to a Tack Swap where you will donate a small portion of your proceeds to an equine organization. Save the consignment option for last, as you will receive the least return on investment from an online or local shop. Happy Selling!
