Articles for tag: Breed Specific Legislation, Bully Breeds, Home Owners Insurance

Maryland Pit Bull Discrimination Laws

COMMENTARY | Breed specific legislation has officially hit the state of Maryland. Its first target is pit bulls. Breed specific legislation has been a major topic lately. It has affected several states, bringing the total now to 41 states that have breed specific legislation. This legislation was created against certain breeds of dogs that have ...

Karla News

Is a Wolf Hybrid Right for You?

Wolf hybrids, also known as wolf dogs, are a very misunderstood and controversial “breed”. While they are an intelligent, beautiful, and very family-oriented pet, they are not right for most people. Wolf dogs hold a deep rooted allure for many people, which often leads to tragic results. Although they are almost never aggressive, they can ...

Karla News

Best Guard Dog Breeds

Are you considering the purchase of a guard dog but aren’t quite sure where to start? The following ten breeds are some top choices, based on size, strength, appearance, and temperament. Doberman Pinscher – The Doberman Pinscher strongly defends its territory and is one of the easiest guard dogs to train. Dobermans are extremely loyal ...