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How to Remodel a Bathroom Inexpensively

Bathroom Remodel, Look for Less, Remove Wallpaper

Too many people spend thousands of dollars to remodel their bathrooms. Many feel that they have to hire a contractor, get the best finishes and spend tons of money to get exactly what they want. The truth is that you can remodel a bathroom inexpensively and still have beautiful finishes. Here is how.

Do Your Own Work

One of the best ways to remodel your bathroom inexpensively is to do as much of the work yourself as possible. Do some research to find out what things you could easily do yourself and what you will need help with. Things like paint, flooring, changing out light fixtures and installing a new mirror or vanity are all things that most home owners can do with some research. However things like lighting, plumbing or major structural changes are things you should leave to the professionals.

Don’t Change the Layout

If at all possible, leave the basic footprint of the room alone. Try not to move things like plumbing, lighting and walls because doing so gets very costly. See if there are other solutions to your layout problems that won’t break your budget. You would be surprised how much money this one tip could save you.

Use Paint

For cosmetic issues in your remodel, see if they can be fixed with paint. Remove wallpaper and put up a few coats of fresh paint, paint your light fixtures to update their look inexpensively or even paint your pink or green tub a clean white using a paint kit specifically designed for the job. If you want to get rid of something because it simply doesn’t look good, see if you can paint it for an inexpensive update.

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Find Cheaper Options

Though you may want to get real stone flooring, granite countertops and a cherry wood vanity, these items can be extremely expensive. However, you can typically get the look of these expensive finishes for much less. For example, instead of real stone flooring, why not use ceramic tile made to look like stone to get the same look for less. Another inexpensive option is purchase a laminate countertop made to look like granite. So whatever look you are going for in your bathroom remodel, be sure to look for less expensive options to get the same look for less.

Always Use Coupons

Finally, make sure that you always use coupons for the items you are buying for your remodel. Stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot always have some kind of coupon available to help you save money. Take advantage of these coupons to significantly bring down the cost of your bathroom remodel.So if you are looking to remodel your bathroom, it does not have to be expensive. Use these tips to bring down the cost of your remodeling project. Remember that so long as you are happy with the end result, a bathroom remodel does not have to cost a fortune. So start gathering your coupons, paint, inexpensive finishes and get to work.