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How to Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Anaemia, Dark Circles, Fluid Retention, Skin Creams, Skin Lightening

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by different factors. The most common cause is lack of sleep, which makes the skin appear paler, emphasising the blood vessels under the eyes that are near to the surface. As we age our skin thins causing the same effect. This effect will be exaggerated by genetic factors or if we naturally have deep set eyes. Fluid retention causes dark circles by dilating the blood vessels under the skin in this area, and dehydration can also cause them. People suffering from iron deficiency anaemia will often get dark rings under the eyes.

During the allergy season people may rub their eyes, irritating them, which can cause dark circles. Nasal congestion can cause puffiness and darkness under the eyes by reducing the natural drainage of the area.Many of the causes of dark circles can be addressed through diet and lifestyle changes, or by vitamin supplementation.


Make sure you get enough sleep. The amount needed varies from person to person, but if you don’t get enough it will show up first in your eyes and the area around them.


Drink plenty of water. This will prevent the dehydration that can cause dark circles, but also has many other health benefits. Water is one of the best beauty treatments for your skin. Substituting other fluids for water will not always work, caffeinated beverages and alcohol are diuretics and will worsen the problem. Green tea or water flavoured with fruit juice, such as lemon, are beneficial as they provide antioxidants and vitamin C respectively. In Chinese medicine dark circles under the eyes can be seen as a sign of kidney imbalance, a problem that may be helped by drinking more water.

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Cutting back on salt and drinking plenty of water to flush the system help with fluid retention. Lying down for five minutes with cold tea bags, cucumber or potato slices over eyes can reduce the puffiness associated with fluid retention in the eye area.


If you are anaemic you may appear to have dark circles under your eyes, due to a contrast with the surrounding pale skin. Get tested if you may be anaemic and either take an iron supplement or tray and eat more iron rich foods, such as red meat (not fatty) and dark fruits and vegetables.


Many vitamins are important to skin health, including Vitamin C, Vitamin K and vitamins A and E. the best way to increase these vitamins is through diet. By eating a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables it is possible to obtain enough of all these vitamins, but good quality supplements are available to boost intake. Vitamin C taken at the same time as iron will boost its absorption. It also has the added benefit of strengthening blood vessels.


A lot of modern SKIN CREAMS that claim anti-aging and skin-lightening properties contain vitamins, particularly Vitamin C and Vitamin B3 (niacin). Trials with these creams often show amazing results. It is better to include these vitamins in your diet if possible. They will work better from the inside.
