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How to Make Your Nail Polish Last Longer

Beautiful Nails, Cheap Products, Nail Growth

There are a few things that women can do to make themselves feel absolutely beautiful. Those things include taking proper care of their skin, keeping their body in shape, and maintaining strong and beautiful nails. Most women would love to have gorgeous nails all of the time but many women become discouraged when it comes to nail care because often times, nail polish chips and fades over a short period of time. For instance, a woman may paint her nails one night and the next morning she may notice chipping. But hopefully this article will finally put the issue to rest. Women can have polished nails that last. Here’s how.

Select a good polish.
It’s very tempting to purchase a nail polish that costs only a couple of dollars. After women spend so much money on other types of skincare, health and body products, why shouldn’t they treat themselves to a little price break every once and a while, right? Absolutely wrong. Having nail polish that lasts is all about the quality of the products. A good quality nail polish will last longer than a cheaper nail polish, but with so many cheap nail polishes on the market, many women are led to think that the more expensive nail polish brands aren’t worth the money. But they are. There’s quality in those high ticket prices. If you can find a more expensive and higher quality nail polish, buy it. If you can find a more expensive and higher quality top coat, buy it. There’s a really good chance you’ll be satisfied the very first time you make the switch from cheap products to quality ones.

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Apply polish in thin coats.
Every woman should take the time to apply nail polish layers in thin even coats. Clumpy and bumpy coats chip faster and look less attractive.

Always use a top coat.
Top coats make nail polish look shiny and they make the nail polish last through house work, the work day and other circumstances that may otherwise cause your polish to chip easily.

Don’t use your nails as tools
I tried a little experiment one time. I tried to see how long I could go without doing a whole lot of dishes. That meant I had to wash the dishes a little at a time without letting them accumulate in the sink. And during that time period, I really saw a large amount of nail growth. And my nails were kept in great condition. It may seem hard to keep from doing a lot of dishes , especially if you have a big family or small children, but at least grasp the point I’m trying to make here. Don’t use your nails as tools for tearing, ripping, scrubbing, and etc.

Realize that painted nails make you feel good about yourself.
Sure it’s easy to get tired of painting your nails, but you have to be real with yourself. Things like clear skin and pretty painted nails just make you feel like a real woman. So get in the habit of beautifying yourself. And if you find that your nail polish chips sometimes, keep trying out different high quality nail polish brands until you find one that doesn’t chip.