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How to Make Old Floors Look Like New

Mopeds, Wood Flooring

With the economy the way it is has been people are trying to cut every corner. In order to have money one must be very careful how they spend the money they have. One must also save money in every way that is possible. Sometimes what that means is to work with what you have.

We all have floors. Yet another of the things well all have in common. Floors are generally wood, covered with carpet, vinyl, or tile. Usually the areas of carpet are the bedrooms, and the living room. The kitchen, hallways, laundry and bath rooms are where you find tile, vinyl, and bare wood floors.

These are the rooms we sweep. A daily sweeping rids them of what ever has been dropped, tracked, or otherwise has collected on them. Sweeping cleans the floor of pieces and particles but does not actually wash it. Sweeping alone can not keep a floor clean enough to keep it looking bright and new.

That’s why we mop. Mopping with a mop and pail is beginning to seem outdated. It doesn’t truly get the floors clean. The new style mops have changeable cloths or pads. One use only. They clean tiles and vinyl flooring well. Using one of these new types of mops does keep your floor clean but over time grime will collect in the crevices. These mops only hit the surface.

It’s not easy to keep any floor looking like new. Sweeping and mopping are great, but if you really want your floors to look like new again you’re going to have to get on your hands and knees. A good scrub from corner to corner is what it takes to get floors looking brand new again. You will be amazed with the results. Yeah, it’s a lot of work. However, the hard work pays off when the floor is so bright and new looking that it does not have to be replaced for looking so dingy, worn, and dull.

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Here’s what to do. Get your supplies around. Lysol works wonders on tile and vinyl floors. It leaves them truly clean and disinfected too. It also smells great and even removes stains. Murphy’s Oil does the trick on wood floors. When it’s used it actually benefit’s the wood. It contains natural oils which clean, scent and revitalize wood floors. You’ll need a mop bucket full of hot water with your choice of cleaner added to it. You’ll want rubber gloves to protect your hands from scrubbing, and also from the chemicals in the cleaner. You’ll need a scrubber sponge. A kitchen sponge works well. Care full though, the roughest scrubbers will scratch flooring. A well used sponge actually works best because the scrubber is worn down and a bit softer.

Once all of your supplies are at hand it’s time to get to work. Start at one end and scrub and scrub and scrub. Once the whole floor is done wipe it with a clean, dry towel. This removes excess soap and water. It also removes streaks and leaves the floor glossy, smooth, and shiny. Perfectly clean and looking great. That’s it. That’s all it takes to make your old flooring look like new again. Thanks for reading and take care!