Karla News

How to Make Indian Chilli Chicken

Asian Food, Soya

Chilli Chicken is one of the favorite Indian food. We generally have this dish out pf our home, but it is very easy to prepare at home. I always prefer to have home-made food. The original concept of Chilli Chicken most probably came from China. We are also very familiar with almost same type of chicken preparation of China, which is called ‘Chicken Manchurian’. Chilli Chicken is little lengthy process, but the ultimate taste of this dish is worth of time it takes. Any Indian cuisine is always very popular in western countries. I hope you will like this. I generally prefer to give a touch of my own taste in any dish I prepare. So this one also may not be conventional Chilli Chicken, but you will love it. Chilli Chicken is always a good looking and decorative dish. After serving that on a plate the color will look very attractive.

Serving: Serves 4

Time of Preparation: 2.0 hours.

These all ingredients are listed based on four serving plates. If you want to prepare little more or less, you need to adjust the amount of ingredients accordingly.

1. Boneless, skinless chicken cut into small pieces (one or one & half inch square) – 2.5 lbs.
2. Red onions cut into small square pieces – 3 medium sizes.
3. Red and green pepper cut into small square pieces – 1 medium size each.
4. Green chilli – 10 in numbers.
5. Onion leaves (green part only) – chopped into small round pieces.
6. Hot and sour tomato sauce (look at any Indian store) – 1 cup.
7. Chilli sauce (Asian food) – ¼ cup.
8. Soya sauce (Asian food) – 4 tablespoons.
9. Corn flour – 100 grams.
10. Egg – 2 pieces.
11. Ginger – 1 tablespoon.
12. Vinegar – 1 tablespoon.
13. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), also known as Azinomoto – half tablespoon.
14. Vegetable oil as required.
15. Salt to taste (require very less)

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– Smashed one onion in a mixer/grinder. Keep this onion in a bowl and mix ginger, salt, vinegar, egg and corn flour and then add the chicken pieces. The complete mixture will be little sticky so that chicken piece can be wrapped with thin quote of this mixture.

– Let this mixture to marinate for three hours.

– Put some vegetable oil in a dip pan and let the oil become hot. Now put the marinated chicken pieces as man you can accommodate within that pan in order to dip fry them.

Fry the chicken pieces till they become brownish. At this moment you can taste one chicken fry for its salt and all other ingredients. Remember to keep the salt level very low for this type of chicken dish.

– Once all chickens are fried, keep them aside.

– Now in an another bowl mix 2 tablespoons of corn flour with 2 tablespoons of water and add all three sauces (tomato, chilli and soya) together and mix them well.

– Add this mixture to the remaining oil you have in the pan where you fried the chicken earlier. You may add little more oil if you don’t have much left in that pan. Sufficient oil will help to improve the taste.

– Make this mixture little hot (say about one or two minutes) and then add the onion and pepper pieces and green chillis cut into two pieces lengthwise. Cook that for 5 minutes.

– Add fried chicken pieces to that cooked mixture and also add Azinomoto to it and keep that for 15 minutes at minimum heat of your oven. If possible cover the whole pan with a plate.
– Add the chopped onion leaves and serve hot in a plate along with bread, roti (Asian bread) or rice.