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How to Make Brobee Yo Gabba Gabba Cake Pops

Cake Balls, Cake Pops, Candy Melts, Melts, Yo Gabba Gabba

Since Bakerella started this new dessert rage of the 21st century, rivaling cupcakes, truffles and petit fours, cake pops are among the new favorites when it comes to satisfying one’s sweet tooth. Cake pops last longer than cupcakes or cakes. They make great party favors, too. Children and adults alike love cake pops. Even Starbucks jumped into the bandwagon with their three cake pop flavors.

As cake pops continue to rise to stardom in the cake or dessert arena, a plethora of designs abound. The possibilities are endless. In most cases, if you plan to make cake pops, you’re only limited by your own imagination. Besides the basic round cake pops, you can make them in any shape, form or character.

Among the popular cake pops are characters from shows for kids. Included in our recent projects at JessiCakes Project are cake pops made into Yo Gabba Gabba characters. We had such a blast when we made these little cute cake pops that I’m sharing with you a tutorial of one of the famous Yo Gabba Gabba characters– Brobee.


1 Large bowl
1 9-inch round/square baked cake (from mix or scratch, it doesn’t matter)
1/2 cup Frosting
1 measuring tablespoon
1 measuring teaspoon
1 cookie sheet
Parchment or wax paper
1 medium microwave safe bowl
14-oz bag dark green candy melts (Wilton or Mercks)
1 spatula
Lollipop sticks
Red fondant
White fondant
Knife or fondant cutter
1A or 2A round piping tip
Black edible pen
Styrofoam (to hold pops)


Crumble the baked cake by hand or with a food processor. Place in a bowl.

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Add frosting and mix thoroughly until you reach a doughy consistency.

Scoop the batter using a 1-tablespoon measuring spoon. Add additional batter using a 1-teaspoon measuring spoon. Combine the two scooped batter into one and shape into a ball with your hand. TIP: Instead of the measuring spoon, use a small or medium ice cream scoop. A 9-inch round cake can make up to 25 or more cake balls.

Place the cake balls on top of the cookie sheet lined with parchment or wax paper. Then, press each one with your thumb to flatten and shape into Brobee’s head, which is a little squarish or oblong (see photo).

Place the tray inside the freezer for 15 minutes.

Empty the bag of candy melts into a medium microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds.

Stir with a spatula for 5 seconds, and then microwave for another 30 seconds. Stir with the spatula until the candy melts are no longer lumpy and completely melted.

Place the tray of balls into room temperature for 5 minutes.

Dip a lollipop stick’s end about 1/4-inch deep into the melted candy melts.

Insert the stick at the bottom side of one the Brobee’s head about 1/2 inches deep.

Place the lollipop stick with Brobee’s head into a Styrofoam. Allow to dry. If the cake is turning too soft, put inside the refrigerator (not the freezer) for 15 minutes to prevent the batter from falling off from the stick when you dip inside the melted candy melts.

Prepare the parts of Brobee’s head. Cut out and shape the red fondant into small (1/4-inch) triangular shaped horns for Brobee’s head. You need three pieces on each head. Cut out a lip shape on the red fondant. (See photo). Use the tip of a 1A or 2A round piping tip to cut out the eyes out of white fondant.

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Dip each Brobee’s head into the green candy melts. Tap the sticks to allow excess candy melts to drip.

Attach three red fondant horns on top of each Brobee’s head while the candy is still wet. Then, place the stick back into the Styrofoam to allow to dry.

Attach the two white fondant circles to create the eyes. Use a toothpick and dip one end into the candy melt. Apply a dab on the face where the eyes will go. The candy melt will act as glue.

Attach the lip at the bottom center, below the eyes using the same toothpick dipped into the melt.

Use a black edible pen to draw the eyebrow. Brobee’s eyebrow is a unibrow, which you can make in one line.

Add a dot on each white fondant circle using the black edible pen. Use the same edible pen to draw a black line inside the red fondant lip.

There you have it! A cute, Brobee cake pop Yo Gabba Gabba character. Use it as party favor for kids.

For more Yo Gabba Gabba character cake pop photos visit – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.290173001006060.71811.186649794691715&type;=1