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How to Make a Captain America Puppet

To make a Captain America puppet that your child can have hours of fun with, gather up a brown paper lunch bag, some red, white and blue construction paper, scissors, a marker and glue.

To make Captain America’s shirt, cut out a piece of blue paper the width of the paper bag and approximately 5″ long. You will also need two blue strips 1-1/2″ wide and four inches long for Captain America’s arms. Also, cut out a square of blue construction paper for Captain America’s mask. Cut it the same width as the paper bag and about 3″ high. You will round off the top to shape Captain America’s head and shape the bottom a little to look as if the mask fits over his nose.

Cut a strip of the white construction paper the width of the bag and 1-1/2″ wide to form the center portion of Captain America’s shirt. You will also need two white strips cut to ½” wide and 1″ or 1-1/2″ to form the bottom part of Captain America’s arms. Still using the white construction paper, you will cut out a large star for his chest and a large “A” for his mask.

You will now need three thin stripes for the bottom part of Captain America’s shirt. Cut three strips of red 1-1/2″ by ½” for those stripes. Captain America wears gloves with a wide cuff on his hands. You will cut these out of the red construction paper. Just freehand them, making sure the width of the hand portion is as wide as the arm.

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We are now ready to assemble our Captain America puppet. The flat part of the bag will be Captain America’s head. With the flat portion at the top, lift the fold up and glue the blue arms to the side edges of the bag. Glue the two small white pieces to the bottom of the blue arms. Now glue the red gloves on the ends of Captain America’s arms. Make sure you make both of the hands facing in toward the body.

With the flap still up, glue the blue shirt onto the bag, sliding it up to the fold mark. Glue the white strip that is the bottom of his shirt to the bottom edge of Captain America’s blue shirt. Now you can glue Captain America’s star to the front of his shirt and add the red stripes to the white portion of his shirt.

Before gluing Captain America’s mask on, cut out two ovals for his eyes. Now glue the mask on the flat bottom of the bag about halfway down the flat area. Glue the big white “A” onto the top of his mask. With a marker, draw an eye in each of the open areas on the face and draw a little mouth on him.

Your child can now stick their hand into the bag. Folding their fingers over the folded area, they can make Captain America come to life. If your child likes to do crafts, this will be a fun, entertaining project for him or her to make themselves.