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How to Grow Grapes on a Trellis

Growing Vines, Preparing for Winter, Trellis

Grapes have the tendency to grow on things such as fences, walls and even trees. This is why a structure that is sturdy and well built can be a good anchor for your vines. Growing vines on a trellis can be the perfect solution as vines can’t fully support the fruit by itself.

A trellis can be built a few different ways. There are some trellises that are designed for functionality, and there are others that are built for decorating the home. Trellises can be as simple or complex as you want, and they can also be built on your own or you can hire someone to do it for you. This all depends on your personal preferences. Trellises can come in a variety of shapes and sizes in order to fit what your needs are as a home grower. They can also be made of different materials including wood, iron, PVC piping, stainless steel, and aluminum to name a few. Also, when it comes to height, this too depends on the grower as well as the area you have to work with. If you are in a colder climate region, a shorter trellis would be a good choice as they have a better shot of getting through the cold months. It can also make preparing for winter a bit easier. Warmer climates can have taller trellises.

For shorter trellises, poles should be about three feet high, and for taller ones, poles should be eight feet high. Each trellis is different however they all have one simple thing in common – they should all be sturdy and well constructed in order to hold the vines and grapes. Grapes usually begin growing on your vines in about three years, so you need to make sure that your trellis will be able to last for years to come.

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You should place your trellis somewhere where the grapes are going to be able to get an adequate amount of sunlight as well as air flow. These two factors are the most important things when it comes to growing a vineyard. They can help ripen your grapes and can control any type of disease. After locating the ideal location, cement your posts into the ground. You can opt to use catch wires to help secure your trellis or you can use a shorter post next to your larger one. Your posts should be about eight feet apart from each other, and you should also have about two rows of steel wire between them. The first row should run along the bottom of the posts, and the second row above them. Staple guns can help keep the wires in place.

You are going to need to train the Vines to grow onto the trellis once you notice they are beginning to grow. This can take up to a few years, and the main shoot can be secured vertically on the structure. Strings can be used for this as well. Wire may damage the trellis while string won’t. Vines can take time to grow, and they grow rather slow. Once you have passed the second dormant state, you should take two of the main shoots and tie them to the trellis horizontally. These are going to serve as the base where the fruit will begin growing.
