Karla News

How to Get Those Telemarketers to Stop Calling You!

Hang Up, Telemarketers

Well we all dislike the interruptions of telemarketer phone calls during dinner or right when your putting your child down for a nap. You know what I’m talking about. I’ve found away to make it funny for me and not so funny for the telemarketers when they call me. Lately they love to call me a lot, and for some strange reason you can ask them to stop, but yet they keep calling you back.

Well, I’ve decide to start telling the first time they call to remove me from there calling list. The second time I make a joke about like, The telemarketer calls during dinner time, and you say ” Hello”! They of coarse try and make a sale to you and you want to say, ” No Thanks”!, But instead try saying this, ” How about you give your home number and I will call you back during your dinner time to discuss the products you want to sell me”! The response I usually get is ” Well, i can’t give you my number, but I will call you back later”, Then you say, ” I’m sorry, But how would you like getting interrupted during your dinner time, or when your trying to get your kids to go to sleep? The telemarketer usually will say sorry and hang up the phone and remove you from the calling list. The third time I usually tell them I am going to report them to the cops for harassment if they keep calling, Which they usually stop after that as well. But just in case I have a back up plan for that fourth time they call, and this time I pretend to be an Officer and man this is so funny. The telemarketer gets so scared when you say ” Hello This is Officer so and so. You need to stop calling so and so, or we will take legal action to resolve this matter.” Usually the telemarketer will say sorry and remove you asap from the calling list. After you are left with a peaceful night and a good laugh.

See also  How to Get Off Telemarketer Calling Lists

Other things I do is pretend to be a pizza place, or some sort of take out food, and when they call I say ” Pick up or delivery!” This confuses the hell out of the telemarketers and there likely to hang up and not call back. Another thing I do is pretend like I’m speaking another language and act like I don’t understand them. This usually gets the telemarketer frustrated and they end up directing you to a manager or a translator, and I still will talk in a different language and keep the convo going for oh about ten minutes. After frustrating them for about ten minutes I usually say in English ” I know what your trying to sell me I understand you clearly, but how do you like being frustrated at inappropriate times?” They of coarse hang up and don’t call back because you were such a pain in the neck.

I do a lot of things to keep those telemarketers from calling, and most of them work. If not tell them your going to fine them 600 for calling you constantly and they wont call you again. Trust me you’ll get your quite dinner, and your children to sleep after you mess with them a bit, while getting a good laugh. I guarantee you it will be worth it to just answer your phone and get them to stop! Try it! Its worth it!