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How to Find the Perfect Pet

Adopt a Pet, Rabies Vaccine

Deciding to adopt a pet is not a decision to take lightly or to be made spur of the moment when you are looking into the ever-so-trusting eyes of a puppy or kitten. Here is a guide on how to adopt a pet and the things you should consider before you set foot in the animal shelter or pet store.

Before you go shopping for a pet, the first thing to decide is what type of pet you are looking for. Consider your lifestyle and what will be fair to the pet. Personally, I love dogs. I want a puppy. But I have days when I am gone for twelve hours at a time. That means no puppy for me.

If you choose a dog or puppy, make sure to consider how much time you will need to devote to your new pet. He will need to be trained, need to be walked and want to be played with. If you cannot devote several hours a day, especially for a puppy, you might want to consider another type of pet.

A good option for people who want something warm and fuzzy could be a kitten or cat. Unlike a dog, they do not require weeks of training or a set schedule to walk them every day. A cat or kitten will still need some amount of time, as they will need to be fed and played with, but otherwise cats can largely take care of themselves.

Other options for first time pet owners might be a guinea pig or rabbit. These pets take even less time than a cat or dog, though they do need to be held regularly to teach them not to bite and they need to have their cages cleaned at least once a week.

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Once you have determined how much time you can devote to a pet, you need to decide how much money you can afford to spend on your pet. Even free, adopted pets, have routine costs that you should account for before you decide to bring Fido or Fluffy home. Purina estimates that a cat will cost $500 in the first year and a dog will cost even more. Be realistic in your financial expectations.

A cat will need a litter box, litter and food at a bare minimum. With the cheapest of brands, food and litter will cost about $20 a month for one cat. You may also want to consider the other things you are likely to want to buy for your pet: a bed, toys, and special treats.

And, then there are vet bills. Your cat will need rabies shots at the very least. You may also want to consider spay or neuter, other vaccines, and emergency vet expenses. In the first four months, my “free” adopted kitten cost me $450 in vet bills and another $200 in toys, food, and kitten accessories (like her scratching post).

A dog will need similar vaccines: rabies and distemper at minimum. You will also need food and a leash at the very least.

Some cities also have license fees for cats and dogs. In Carbondale, where I live, it’s a $10 annual fee and you have to present their proof of rabies vaccine to register your pets.

Once you decide to adopt a pet, you need to determine if this is a passing interest or if you are willing to make a lifetime commitment to the animal involved. If you aren’t willing to commit several years to caring for your pet, choose a hamster or goldfish or pet with a shorter lifespan than a dog or cat.

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Finally, if you have considered all these things and decided to go ahead with your decision to find a pet, you have to decide whether to adopt or buy your pet. Finding your perfect pet at the local animal shelter or pet store can be one option. You may also want to check want ads and check with pet owners friends to see if they know someone who has the type of pet you are looking for.

Often, someone you know will know of a litter of kittens that need homes or a new batch of puppies.

Shopping for a pet at the local animal shelter is also a good way to rescue a homeless animal. And, you can always head to the local pet store.

Once there, be sure to choose your new pet based on its personality, not just its cuteness factor. How an animal responds to you before you take it home can be vital to its ability to fit into your home.

For example, don’t assume that a puppy hiding and whimpering at the back of his cage will become everyone’s best friend when you take him home. And, if you want a cat that’s playful and not aloof, the Siamese staring down her nose at you in the pet store isn’t the best option.

Spend some time with your prospective new pet in the store or at the shelter, playing and getting to see their personality in action. And, make sure to take the entire family to choose your pet. Nothing could be worse than picking out a pet to take home to little Suzy and then finding out that Suzy and the pet don’t get along!

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With a little forethought and planning, a pet can be a wonderful addition to any home, but bringing home the wrong pet, no matter how cute they are, can just lead to heartache.