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How to Find a Good Wife

Career Women, Flowers for Algernon

Are there any real good women out there? It’s a question that many men seem to be asking these days. People are still looking to get married, even with the rate of divorce skyrocketing and live in situations on the rise. So here’s the inside scoop.

Why is it so Hard?

There are many factors as to why there good wives are hard to find. Society has changed rapidly within the last fifty years, and the changes have had a lasting effect on society and dating. The divorce rate is at fifty percent, more and more couples are deciding to live together instead of marrying. Fewer people are having children. In short, no one really desires the marriage commitment. For men this means one thing, women are no longer being taught how to be wives and mothers.

Where are they?

The women? Oh yeah, they are out there, where the men are. They are working, networking, schooling, and advancing in society- they are on the playing field with men. This is bad news for men looking for the traditional housewife. These are, unfortunately a dying breed. For those interested primarily in sexual liberation, this is an ideal situation. The whole irony of this situation, many career women want love and a family as well. This is where the dual income family comes in, but this is another article in itself.

The Conclusion

Here’s the cold hard fact. Women are more unwilling to marry than ever before, and this does not bode well for the marriage-minded male. Accept this fact and you find youself much less heartbroken. Deny it at your own peril.

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Here are a few tips for those who are willing to take a stand and forge ahead.


If you are not religious already, then you might want to consider becoming so. Women who are willing to marry are more likely to be found at churches across the nation. Why? Simply put, Christianity emphasizes that men and women can only truly consummate their relationships within a marriage context. Anything serious relationship not aimed at this goal is frowned upon and looked upon as unsound. Go to church and your chances of finding the right one are much higher.
Religion is not to be used as a crutch for getting women. However, if you are leaning in this direction, the presence of like-minded women should give you more incentive.

Learn how to Dance

Women love to dance. There’s no question about this. Dancing is the language of love for most women, and men who are stubborn about dancing find themselves at a serious disadvantage. Learn to dance and you will find yourself at the top of the mating, dating heap. What more, the classier, the more refined the dance, the better the women.

Dress to Kill

Don’t just sit there, get dressed. You are going out for the hunt and you want to look your best. Women notice how you dress. It tells them who are and where you come from, at least subconsciously. At the very least, dressing up tells women that you care about your appearance and possibly ready to be responsible in marriage. Don’t overlook the fact that your attire can mean the difference between actually getting her attention and not.

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Be Happy

Women are naturally attacted to sunny personalities. Women need to laugh. They need to be tickled. You must radiate happiness and joy, or the women walk away. Get used to smiling even if it hurts and you will find yourself in the drivers seat. If you don’t like your smile, seriously consider getting your teeth revamped professionally. Anything to make that face shine.

Flowers for Algernon-a

You finally land that date. Now what? Open the door, pull out the seat, and be polite. There’s no better way of telling a woman that you are attracted than by good manners, even if you are faking it. It simply means that you care. Moreover, you will find out quickly if she appreciates it. Choclates, flowers and little gifts are all great ways to send an amorous message, and they never get old. No woman, in her right mind, will refuse the goods.

Yes men, it’s a jungle out there and there are a lot of crazies. However, there are rare gems to be found. Know where to find them and how to treat them once you do. The wheat will then be seperated from the chaff.