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How to Design a Retro Kitchen

Diy Decorating, Retro Kitchen

Want some different DIY Decorating Ideas on how to design a retro kitchen? Here are the steps to help decorate vintages style, with 4 Do-It-Yourself tips!

Decorate Vintage Style Do-It-Yourself Tips: Pick Your Decade
When trying to find DIY decorating ideas, you have to first decide what look you want to go for. Do you want to be groovin’ in the seventies or have a blast from the past like in Unique Kitchen Decorating Ideas: How to Decorate with a Retro Diner Theme? Research the Internet for colors and themes of the years that you choose.

Then look for other articles and sites that fit in with that decade such as in A History of 1950’s Aprons. You can use the information found in those to create other projects for your room. Read How to Make a Valance using them for one cool idea.

Decorate Vintage Style Do-It-Yourself Tips: Use An Old Collection
When trying to find DIY decorating ideas, you may just want want to center the whole scheme around a collection of yours. This could be a set of glassware that your mother gave you as in Three Ways to Decorate the Kitchen with Retro Juice Glasses

Do you have old linen that you found during your flea market trips? 3 Ways to Decorate a Shabby Chic Kitchen with Retro Tablecloths has great hints for those! Some other possibilities for old linen and fabric include Curtains You Didn’t Know You Had and even Retro Kitchen Hardware Made from Vintage Fabric! You can even make your cookbooks fit in with the decor by doing Fabric Cook Book Craft Project. If you do not have enough authentic linens to furnish your room, you can make your own as in Make Your Own Reproduction Towels

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Decorate Vintage Style Do-It-Yourself Tips: Do a Theme Room
When trying to find DIY decorating ideas, concentrating on one particular theme from the past can be a great way to go. For example, do you dream about the candy bars that used to be available when you were young? Check 3 Ways to Decorate a Kitchen with Retro Candy Wrappers to fulfill your craving. Take the theme even further by dressing up your windows with DIY Retro Candy Bead Curtains

Decorate Vintage Style Do-It-Yourself Tips: Add Small Touches
When trying to find DIY decorating ideas and you aren’t sure of designing your whole room around the old, just add some small touches first, like artwork, to see if you truly like them. Some projects include Rolling Pin Cork Board Project or Magnet Back Splash Display and Easy Retro Art Project: Vintage Letter Art. If you can live with those small changes, move on to bigger ways to add the look to your room. Check out Retro Kitchen Accent Wall Ideas or How to Design a Retro Kitchen Floor Using Linoleum Squares

Finally, remember that when remodeling any room in your home, changing the little details, like in Retro Kitchen Hardware You Didn’t Know You Had, is what makes all the difference on successfully changing your whole decor.
