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How to Craft Elegant Iced Tree Branches

Center Piece

Learning to craft your own iced tree branches is a fun and exciting craft project. Iced tree branches are all the rage for decorating winter weddings but they also make beautiful accessories for decorating the home during the winter and holiday season. You can create beautiful center pieces with iced tree branches, that will look like you paid a fortune for them.


Colorfill diamond vase filler
spray adhesive
Plastic Sheets (drop cloths)
tree branches
tall vase

Colorfill diamond vase filler is available at most craft stores. It costs approximately $2.50 – $3.50 a pound. One pound can cover 2-4 tree branches depending on the size and height of the branches.


Begin by covering a flat work surface with the plastic. Now pour your colorfill onto the plastic and spread it out evenly. This will allow you to get a better coating on your tree branches. Next, take a tree branch and spray it with the adhesive making sure it is well covered. After the tree branch is covered with the adhesive, lay it down on top of the colorfill and gently press the tree branch into the colorfill until you get the coverage you are pleased with. You can also use your hands to sprinkle the filler over the top of the branch. Repeat this technique to finish making all of your iced tree branches. Let the adhesive on the tree branches dry thoroughly.

Now you are ready to turn your iced tree branches into a beautiful center piece. You have a couple different options for making your iced tree center piece. Option #1: To create an elegant look, you can use a tall clear vase and fill it with the colorfill vase filler to hold the tree branches in place. Option # 2: Use a tall non see thru vase and fill the bottom of the vase with craft foam and insert the iced tree branches into the foam to hold them in place.

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Hints: Birch tree branches have the best shapes for iced tree branches, although you can purchase any shapely tree branches you prefer from the craft store. If you want to save money, you can even use tree branches that you find in your own yard. Just be sure to scrape off any loose bark. To give your tree branches a clean sleek look, you can remove all of the bark from the branches and spray paint them white or silver.

Tips: During the holidays you can add even more shimmer to your iced tree branches by adding clear miniature lights. You might even enjoy decorating the iced tree branches with crystal prisms or small delicate shimmering Christmas bulbs.

You don’t have to be a professional designer to decorate your home with an elegant winter theme, with these easy to follow directions you will be able to create amazing iced tree branches that you and your guests will simply adore.