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Alcohol Poisoning: How to Save a Life

Alcohol poisoning kills 4,000 people a year according to Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID) and there are 50,000 cases reported annually. Although alcohol poisoning is very serious it is also easy to spot and stop once you know the symptoms. There are some vital keys to how your blood alcohol level is affected: how fast your body can metabolize the alcohol, how strong your drink is, how fast you drink it and lastly, how much food is in your stomach at the time. Normally your body can process about one to one and a half ounces of alcohol an hour. You should always drink responsibly and never leave an intoxicated person in charge of another intoxicated person.

There are many warning signs of alcohol poisoning. There is usually a strong odor of alcohol from the person, they might be mentally confused and they may have trouble walking and standing. Usually they have no reaction to pain. Their skin may be clammy or pale and a blue or purple color might be visible on their skin or lips. They could be semi conscious or unconscious, but either way you should check their breathing. People with alcohol poisoning have slower respiration. If their breaths are eight or less per minute or if their are lapses more than eight seconds between their breaths they probably have alcohol poisoning. Uncontrollable vomiting or vomiting in their sleep is also a common sign. In some severe cases, seizures might even be present.

If someone is suffering from some or all of these warning signs and you are worried they might have alcohol poisoning, don’t wait! Get help right away! Without treatment, alcohol poisoning could cause many problems. Alcohol effects the nerves in your body that control your respiration, heartbeat and your gag reflex. If your friend is sleeping or passed out they could still be a victim of alcohol poisoning. Sleeping it off doesn’t always work because the alcohol in your stomach is still being digested through your intestines and your blood stream, so your blood alcohol level can actually rise while your still sleeping. If alcohol poisoning is left untreated it could cause hypothermia or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), their breathing could stop completely or they could choke on their own tongue or vomit. Severe dehydration, permanent brain damage and death can also occur.

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What should you do if you suspect your friend has alcohol poisoning? Call 911 right away, do not wait for all of the symptoms to show up and stay with your friend while waiting for help. If they are conscious and throwing up, make sure that while they are vomiting they are sitting up and not laying down to prevent them from choking on their vomit. Look for any injuries that may need to be treated also. Do not give them any food, liquid or medicines to try and sober them up. The only way a person can sober up is with time. Do not let your friend sleep it off. If they are already unconscious you should move them on to their side, you can use a pillow or a blanket to prop them up. This is also a precaution to make sure they do not choke on anything. You should wake them up frequently and monitor their breathing. If they stop breathing completely, give them CPR until help arrives. Remember, by knowing the signs and what to do, you can save their life.

Facts about alcohol poisoning. http://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/OtherAlcoholInformation/factsAboutAlcoholPoisoning.aspx.
Alcohol Poisoning: how to help a drunk friend. http://healthcenter.ucdavis.edu/topics/alcoholpoisoning.html.
Alice. Alcohol poisoning. http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/2066.html.