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How to *Change Your Life at 50*

So, you’ve just turned 50 years old or perhaps you’re over 50 but I say it’s never too late to make a great change. I know, you’re pretty settled in and your daily life is most likely a little too predictable where routines have probably worn a path through your life pretty deep.

The kids are gown and gone or on their way out and you’ve come to the realization that you’ve entered ‘geezer hood’ and now fit into a group who are looked upon and referred to as “old”. Ha!

Welcome to my article and the start of an entirely fresh new life!

This is a great time to be in our 50’s! Even the word ‘fifty’ sounds good. I want you to get excited because you’re part of an elite group of people who are at a point in life who knows and understands more than any other age group and at the same time continues to learn and grow and gain more experience and knowledge.

We still have our health! We still have our minds! We still have a lot of energy! We can still get down and shake our booties if we want to!

We are going into the second half of the game and the second half is where the game is won!

I want you to take a look back on your life and remember your childhood, your school days, getting married and starting your family and career. It seems like just like yesterday that you began life, played and explored without worry, you learned and went through school and started life. It can be a little scary now to realize that life is going by way too fast, “Where did it all go”? is there a way to slow it down?

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I f you think about it, 50 years is a long, long time but the amazing thing is…we have a chance to live a second 50 years. We have a chance to start over, start fresh and go back and do it all over again knowing what know now.

Change is always good no matter what has caused us to change. Some of us are retiring or planning to soon. Some have already or are going through a divorce. Some have lost everything due to the economy and some are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. So why not change it all.

The first step in changing is realizing that it’s time for a change.

You need to take a hard look at yourself both inside and out and realize that change is a must. You’ll need to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to take these first steps.

Stand in front of a mirror naked. Yes, naked. Take a long look at yourself and remember what you use to look like. Now, visualize what you want to look like and see what physical changes you need and want to make.

Try jumping up and down and most likely, you’ll not only get a good laugh, but see that you truly need to trim down and lose some extra pounds.

Next, join a gym, a walking or hiking group, ride a bike or start an exercise routine.

If you’re going to lose weight than the only way you’ll do it properly is to get up off the couch and ‘move.

Do not be fooled or scammed by “get thin quick” ads . There are no magic pills, potions or lotions that will cause you to lose fat. Good old fashion exercise is the only true way to get rid of those extra pounds.

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Next, you’ll need to change your diet.

As you have experienced you cannot eat like you use to. You’re bloated, over weight and feel sluggish. Antacids and stomach aids are a multi-million dollar market and it is all because we over eat.

Changing your diet and eating habits is an exciting step in change and a major one because you’ve lived 50 years with pretty much the same eating habits. It’s time to eat slower, healthier foods and eat less.

As you change your diet you will notice an amazing thing happen. You’ll be glowing, you’ll be happier, you;ll have more energy, you’ll feel lighter, your moods will be more elevated and your sex life will improved. Wow!

The next step is to get a new hair cut or change the color.

Get rid of that gray and take 10 to 15 years off your life. You’ll be overwhelmed at the attention you get from friends and family and you will feel like you’re on cloud nine.

This next step is very important and a definite must do.

Get rid of all your old worn out clothes and go and buy a whole new wardrobe of stylish clothes.

There’s nothing that feels better then shopping, buying and than wearing new clothes. They don’t have to be expensive or even brand names just as long as you look and feel good because when you look good…you feel good.

Whiten your teeth.

There are many ways to whiten and brighten up your smile.

Both men and woman have been asked what the first thing they notice about the opposite sex is and one of the highest answers is, “the smile”.

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Do something out of the ordinary.

Do something that you normally wouldn’t do. Take a trip. Jump out of an airplane and sky dive. Take dancing lessons. Enter a contest. Start an interest group. Go out with friends and pay for diner. Don’t be so cheap.

There are so many things you can do that you normally would not do and you’ll feel like a million bucks when the day is done.

This is such a wonderful time in your life and you deserve an amazing second chance at doing all you wanted to do in your life but couldn’t because ‘life’ just got in the way.

You’re in the prime of your life with so much to live for and there is no reason that you cannot achieve all you have ever dreamed of and desired. Become a new person and the person you have always wanted to be.

William Ernest Henley said it best when he wrote: “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul”.

My friend, it is up to you. You’re 50 years old or maybe older and there has never been a better time to start living, so go ahead…make the change.

Article also posted on Bukisa.com and Wikinut.com by Scott Hallock