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How to Buy Betta Fish the Right Way

Betta Fish, Bettas, Fish Care

It happens all the time. People decide to buy betta fish, they go to their local pet store, choose a brightly colored fish, buy a little betta bowl and head home. They put water in the bowl, add a little conditioner, add the fish, set it all on a table, and that is it. They think their job is done. However, when you buy betta fish, there are several things you need to do BEFORE you actually purchase the fish! Let’s look at the steps you need to take when you decide you are going to buy betta fish.

Betta fish are often displayed in tiny betta bowls, with no plants, heater or filtration system. While bettas can live in this environment, they can not thrive in this tiny ill-equipped betta tank. When you go shopping to buy betta fish, consider a tank of three gallons or more. This gives whatever fish you choose lots of room to grow, both physically and personality-wise.

You should also buy betta supplies like a water filter and heater, to help regulate the temperature and water quality in your betta’s home. Betta fish are highly susceptible to disease, and the slightest variation in their environment can lower their immune system, causing bacteria to have a much better chance to infect them. A backup thermometer is also handy, should your heater’s temperature gauge go on the blink.

Purchase a water conditioning kit, and condition the water AT LEAST 24 hours before you add your fish. This is one of the biggest causes of betta disease. The betta is stressed out from a change in temperature and quality, and sometimes this little difference can result in a dead fish. Condition the water, get the filter and heater set up, set the temperature at 80 degrees (between 79 and 82 is fine), add any gravel, plants, etc. and let the water prep for a minimum of 24 hours.

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Now it is time to buy betta fish! Remember, one male fish per tank, but if you want to raise females you can set up a sorority tank. Betta females are not the fighters in the family, and you can have as many as one betta female per 2 – 3 gallons of betta tank.

Since you are ready to make a purchase, look for bright color, clean detailed fins and tails, with no tears or blotches that may have resulted from disease. Take a good look at your fish’s eyes. You want clear sharp vision, with no discoloration. Finally, make sure there are not tiny white dots anywhere on the fish, and ask if the store has a policy for refunds. Most stores have a set period of time during which you can return the fish if it dies.

Great, you have prepared properly prior to purchasing. These few steps you take before you buy betta fish can help extend your betta’s lifespan up to five years! If you would like more information on bettas, head over to the betta blog at www.BettaFacts.info.
