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How-To Build Up a Savings Account Quickly and with Little Effort

There are a lot of ways for people to save money. I personally love the ways that make saving money easier. I have found I can save money quickly if done where I don’t miss the money. Sometimes it is hard to set aside a couple hundred dollars or so out of a paycheck each week. Reason being is I see this money and want to spend it. A lot of other people have this problem also, so I know I am not alone in this. But I have come up with five ways to build a savings account with little effort.

Money Saving Way 1:

This way is actually pretty easy to do and you really won’t miss the money. When you go to cash your check only whole numbers to cash and leave the rest in the bank.

Say your check is for $459.23, with this you will only cash the check for $450.00. That will give you $9.23 saved into your account. This does not seem like much but when done every week it can really start to add up. Now that money is deposited into your account DO NOT write it into your check book ledger. That way later you will not remember it being there. After about three months of doing this every week, call the bank and check you balance. You will be amazed at how much you have saved in no time at all.

Money Saving Way 2:

A lot of people write checks for just about everything. They then write the amount of the check into their check book ledger and subtract it from their balance. This can actually help you to also save money without even missing any of it.

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What to do is when you go to the store and buy something you are not going to record the actual amount of the purchase. What you will do is write the check for the actual amount of purchase, and then when you write the purchase in your check book ledger you will round the amount to the nearest dollar. The change will still be in your account but on paper it does not look like you have that much. This actually adds up pretty quick if you write a lot of checks during the month to pay bill and make purchases.

An example of this would be if you made a purchase for say $10.15, you would write the actual check for $10.15 but when you write it into your check book ledger you would write $11.00. Now you have got a savings of .85 already started with just that one purchase.

Money Saving Way 3:

Coupons are known to save someone money on purchases but there is another way you can put coupons to use. Instead of just using coupons to just save money on purchases, you can use them to add to your savings account.

Just make the purchase and use the coupon like you normally would, then take the money you saved from the coupon and put it back and every Friday take all this money you have saved from coupons and put it into your savings account.

If you used a $2.00 off coupon for a product then take the $2.00 your save and put it back. If you use another coupon for say 50 cents off then add the 50 cents to the $2.00 and you now have $2.50 to add to your savings account. If you are a big coupon person like I am then the money can really add up each week.

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Money Saving Way 4:

Rebates are great ways to get money back. By committing yourself to putting all the money that you get from rebates into your savings account you can start to see an increase in your savings account.

Money Saving Way 5:

Change is something that every one of us has on a continual basis. Just let your change add up over the week and then deposit all the change you have accumulated over the week into your savings account each week.