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How to Breed Macaws


Breeding macaws has never been so easy. You can do so at the convenience of your home. There was a time when people thought that for breeding a pet like the macaw, they would have to rush straight to a professional macaw breeder and take all relevant tips which were necessary to keep their pet hale and hearty. People have been known to breed such parrots as a hobby and they have also known to turn their hobby into a profitable business. Regardless of the reason, the need for a healthy pair is a prerequisite to a healthy breeding.

While breeding the pair, care has to be taken to ensure that the two bond well with each other and that the birds are placed in a spacious cage, which is both neat and airy. It has to be noted that while most macaws breed in the hot summer season, some are also known to breed the year round. While breeding a macaw, you need to understand that for good health the need for a spacious cage is a prerequisite. For that, the breeder needs to place his large parrots in either a wooden nest box which measures twenty four inches by twenty four inches by thirty inches, or forty eight inches-horizontal. Some vertical boxes, which measure twelve inches by twelve inches by thirty inches, are known to work wonders for some of the big macaws.

While deciding the size of a cage, you need to ensure that the macaw is able to move around with ease and that your precious parrot does not have to fight for space with his/her spouse. Likewise, to keep the pair happy, you need to give them something to chew. It would keep the pair occupied at all times. Macaws lay two to four eggs at a time but the clutch size is known to vary from pair to pair. Likewise, the incubation time lasts anywhere between twenty three to twenty seven days. During this period, you need to keep your precious macaw well fed. An additional helping of sunflower seed, which is both fattening and nutritious, is known to work wonders for the expecting parrot. If you do not have enough experience in hand feeding, it is highly recommended that you allow the parents to feed it. You, as a macaw breeder, need to check the cage on a daily basis. It is your job to find out whether the birds are being served quality food and water or not.

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If the parents are well versed with their duties, you needn’t bother but if the parents are inexperienced, you might need to become a foster parent and take good care of the new born. To feed such chicks, you would need an incubator. You also need to feed the chicks every two hours. In order to hand rear a chick, you need to have the right equipment. You can always opt for a commercial diet which simply requires some water to prepare. You would also need the help of a trained veterinarian to walk you through the task of rearing young chicks. The period is considered critical, and you, as a breeder, need to protect the precious newborns from complicated diseases and a possible death.