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How Tall is Michelle Obama? Will Height Influence the Presidential Election?

Battling Depression

Have you wondered how tall Michelle Obama is? One can’t help wonder upon viewing Michelle and Barack Obama standing or walking together. I thought, “Either Barack Obama is short, or Michelle is tall — or both?” Michelle Obama may very well become the next First Lady; and maybe the tallest First Lady. The first black First Lady; yes, that’s newsworthy, but how about a First Lady who’s nearly six feet tall? Now THAT’S a first.

Historically, supposedly, the taller of the two final presidential candidates has always gotten the election, with the exception of FDR. John McCain is 5-9, and according to various web sites, Barack Obama stands 6-1. Some observations have him at 5-11 or barely six feet. But I’m convinced that the more accurate height is 6-1. He’s definitely taller than John McCain. According to history, Barack Obama will be the next U.S. president because he’s taller than McCain.

Michelle Obama is head to head with Barack, but I’ve never gotten a good look at what’s on her feet: flats or high heels? I’m assuming heels because this would fit her style. This would make Michelle Obama’s height around 5-11.

Some web sites do report Michelle Obama’s height to be 5-11. Others estimate that Michelle Obama is 5-9 tall. Some estimate 5-10. Some say “nearly six feet.” But I highly doubt she’s under 5-9.

So let’s assume that Michelle Obama is 5-11. What does this mean for her role as First Lady? Nothing, really. But if she becomes First Lady, her height WILL mean something to the scores of young women, even older women out there, who are battling depression over being tall.

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Maybe a tall First Lady will set these women straight, that being very tall is NOT an obstacle to success in life, that you can be perceived as glamorous, regal and elegant, rather than freakish or huge or masculine.

Michelle Obama is 5-11. Do you think she’s unattractive? “Huge?” Masculine? It’s all in how a tall woman carries herself. It’s time for tall women to stop feeling self-conscious, to stop slouching and being afraid to put on those sexy high heels that they dream of wearing.

From what I have read on the “tall quotes” pages of tallwomen.org, I have concluded that being very tall creates more aggravation, depression and misery in teen girls and young women, than does being fat. Maybe this is because a fat woman always can cling to the hope that one day she’ll lose weight, but a tall woman knows she can’t change her height.

But if you can’t change your height, this is all the more reason to embrace and celebrate it! I’m not saying that I hope Barack Obama is the next president. In fact, I don’t even vote. In fact, none of my hundreds of articles on Associated Content even cover politics. But I will admit that it’d be really cool to have an Amazon First Lady.