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How Do You Save Animals From Extinction?

Extinct Species, Marine Fish, Threatened Species

Quoting an article by By Gary Strieker (CNN)

The complex web of life on Earth, what scientists call “biodiversity,” is in serious trouble.

“Biodiversity includes all living things that we depend on for our economies and our lives,” explained Brooks Yeager, vice president of global programs at the World Wildlife Fund in Washington, D.C.

It’s the forests, the oceans, the coral reefs, the marine fish, the algae, the insects that make up the living world around us and which we couldn’t do without,” he said.

“… human activity is causing rapid deterioration in biodiversity. Expanding human settlements, logging, mining, agriculture and pollution are destroying ecosystems, upsetting nature’s balance and driving many species to extinction”

We have actually and gradually pushed them (animals) to the brink of extinction. It is time for us to stop our heartlessness and ensure the continued existence of their species

Some even say that due to increase in human population there is an increase in demand for animal meat consumption in human diet

This link shows some information About Endangered Species http://www.extinctanimal.com/

-more than one and one-half million species exist on the earth today. However, recent estimates state that at least 20 times that many species inhabit the planet

-In the United States, 735 species of plants and 496 species of animals are listed as threatened or endangered.

-266 of these listed species have recovery plans currently under development.

-There are more than 1,000 animal species endangered worldwide.

-There are more than 3,500 protected areas in existence worldwide. These areas include parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves. They cover a total of nearly 2 million square miles (5 million square km), or 3% of our total land area.

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-Aquatic species, which are often overlooked, are facing serious trouble. One third of the United States’ fish species, two-thirds of its crayfish species, and almost three-quarters of its mussel species are in trouble.

The Endangered Species can be categorized into a few levels, with a few levels needing urgent attention and assistance to cultivate the species:

-VULNERABLE SPECIES – A species particularly at risk because of low or declining numbers or small range, but not a threatened species.

-THREATENED SPECIES – a species whose population is not yet low enough to be in immediate danger of extinction, but who certainly faces serious problems. Eg – The eastern indigo snake and the red kangaroo

-ENDANGERED SPECIES – a specie, plant or animal, that is in immediate danger of becoming extinct. Eg. The Siberian tiger, the southern sea otter, the snow leopard, the green pitcher plant

-EXTINCT SPECIES – an extinct species is one that is no longer living. The passenger pigeon, the dodo, and the Stegosaurus are examples of extinct species. These animals no longer exist on the earth.

Individuals can take part in avoiding animal extinction, without depending only on government projects or “animal protective” movements or groups . Everything starts from home …

-choosing to eat less beef, pork, chicken, fish, crabs, prawns … and others and especially “Shark’s Fin”

-educating children on animal and love for them

-donate to wildlife sanctuaries

-not using animal byproducts such as wallets, purses, handbags, shoes … which are made from animal skin, animal fur and even the elephant tusk

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The outcome of starting from home may contribute in more people involvement and see an increase in the efforts of saving animal …

Simple business logic can also be applied to this: “When request or demand is lesser then the production will also be reduced”

Measures to preserve these animals from extinction from a higher level

-Stop cutting the jungle for the greed of human

-Slaughtering animals for research

-More Breeding programs at conserved habitats or HABITAT PROTECTION

-Animal adoption

-Reintroducing species to area where they lived

-Avoid introducing of “alien species” from one part of the world to another

Show that you care for our animal friends logon to a few sites to show humanity .



