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Hold a Craft Themed Birthday Party for Kids

children's parties, Crafts for Children, Party for Kids, Summer Crafts for Kids

Birthday parties are so much fun for kids. Many birthday parties try to plan an activity for the children. A great activity to plan is to do a craft. Crafts parties for children are fun and everyone is inspired to be creative.

It is important to select a craft project that will appeal to all of the guests at the party. Some children may be more experienced with arts and crafts than others. We all know that it is more important for the children to have a good time, no matter what they do. So select something that is simple and fun to do, rather than a craft with a lot of steps or something very intricate. If your child’s friends are all into arts and crafts then you might consider a more advanced project.

One idea is to hire a crafts instructor to lead the children through a craft project from start to finish. You could also have a crafty friend or family member be the teacher for the afternoon party. Instructions should be simple and with as few steps as possible. Do some of the prep work ahead of time if possible. So cut out shapes, put glue into cups for children to use, etc. The party should be fun, not about getting ready to have fun. The more preparation and organization work you do – the easier and more smoothly the craft will go.

Try to have another adult take pictures of the children as they are making the crafts. This is part of the fun of the party. You can also share the pictures with the children’s parents.

See also  "Foamies"- Fun and Easy Crafts for Children!

Consider doing the craft before the party so there is a sample for the children to look at, so they know what a finished project look like. This isn’t always possible to do, given time constraints. But a sample craft can be very helpful.

It can be a great idea to do the craft before cake and ice cream or any other food is served. Food and crafts do not mix. Many crafts can be a choking hazard and of course crafts materials should not be swallowed, even if they are non-toxic. Foods may also stain crafts and make the crafts messy. So keep food and crafts separate. It is ideal if you can have two tables: one for food and one for crafts.

Remember to label each child’s craft as they begin the project. This will help identify their craft so they can take it to go home. Use a pencil or something that leaves a subtle mark. Some crafts need drying time and they may need to be left at your home for the rest of the afternoon, and picked up later when they are dry. But that’s still a nice chance for your child to see their friends again.

Some great crafts for children’s parties are:


cigar box purses


rubber stamping

card making


jewelry making

Shrinky Dinks