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Helpful Tips for a Job Interview

Messy Hair

Today’s job force is incredibly competitive and demanding. More times than not, when entering an interview you will have one shot to make your impression count. While jobs do look heavily at credentials and experience in a specific field, they are also examining your appearance and personal behavior as well. It is very important to leave a positive first impression when meeting with your possible employers. Below you can find tips on how to impress with confidence in an interview.

Scent says a lot – Always ensure that you have deodorant on, no one wants to bask in another’s foul body odor smells. By smelling poorly during an interview it tells employers that you don’t properly care for your body. For many this will look incredibly bad as thoughts such as “If they can’t even care for their own hygiene, how could they possibly care for their job?” may cross an employer’s mind. Smelling fresh will not only be pleasant to both parties, but can also give you a confidence boost as well. You do not however want to spray excessive cologne or perfume on. A light scent is pleasant to smell, however too much can be quite overwhelming.

Groom your hair – Although the “bed head” ‘do may suit your looks, it’s never a good idea to enter an interview with untamed messy hair. Unless the atmosphere is aimed at eccentric hair styles, it’s best to keep things tame and well groomed. Therefore, you may want to lose the spikes or bright unnatural colors while in a work atmosphere. Even though this may be your personal preference for style, an employer will be judging you on appearance as well – odds are that if they don’t feel your look fits their work environment, you won’t get the job.

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Dress for success – I’m sure you’ve heard the saying before, but have possibly paid no mind to the meaning behind it. When you approach an employer in an interview they will be judging you as a whole – that includes your clothing attire! If you stroll in with jeans and a tank top it can tell an employer that you don’t appear to care much for the job in which you’re applying for. By taking a few extra minutes to dress in business appropriate attire, it’s showing that you truly have interest and have put effort into the interview.

Come prepared – Prepare in advance for questions you may be asked, sit down and think of your goals, accomplishments, special talents related to the field, etc. It never looks good to find yourself fumbling for words when an employer asks you a question. Have references stashed in your pocket in case asked, bring a resume if you haven’t yet submitted one, and collect your overall though before walking through the door. Employers see enough people to tell when someone is nervous, unorganized, or unprepared for the interview. Confidence goes a long way with how you are presenting yourself. Smile often and always keep eye contact!