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Health Benefits of Neem Oil

Jock Itch, Neem, Neem Oil, Skin Infections

Neem oil is an essential oil that has been used for hundreds of years by the Asian and Indian population. The oil comes from the berry like fruit from the neem tree which grows in India and Asia. There are many health benefits from the essential oil that is derived from this fruit.


Neem oil is sometimes found in dental care products such as tooth paste and mouth wash. The oil carries anti bacterial benefits that help to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis and even canker sores. Drinking a tea made from the leaves of the neem tree is thought to be one way to achieve this. However, according to Herbal Remedies Info, many people in India use small limbs from the tree as tooth brushes for their teeth. Neem oil has a very strong odor that is not agreeable with many people so it usually has to be masked by other more pleasant smelling oils.

Insect Repellant

Another useful health benefit of neem oil is its use as an Insect Repellant. Neem oil sprayed or rubbed over your body will keep biting and stinging bugs away from you. This can be very helpful if you are visiting or live in an area whose people are at a higher risk for disease from certain insects. Neem oil has also been found to be protective against fleas and is sometimes used as a natural pesticide for gardens.

Skin Infections

Neem oil is also very helpful with treating Skin Infections. Infections caused by bacteria (such as acne) or fungus (such as jock itch) are both curable by using neem oil. Using a little oil mixed with water and rubbing it on your face in the morning and at night just before bed can be very helpful. Not only can it cure your skin condition it can also prevent a deeper infection and prevent the condition from worsening and causing sepsis. In addition, hard to treat fungal infections such as jock itch or yeast infections can be effectively cured with a few applications of the neem oil. Many people who have had difficulty with treating their fungal infections through other methods are turning to neem oil as a solution.

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Another possible health benefit is as a pregnancy protection. According to The National Academies Press, neem oil can be beneficial in preventing pregnancy or act as a natural spermicidal. In fact, applying an intrauterine application of neem oil the morning after sex can work like a “morning after pill” and prevent the egg from implanting into the wall of the uterus. However, talking with your gynecologist is best to get additional information about how neem oil can be used.

The National Academies Press; Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems; Office of International Affairs; 1992; http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=1924&page;=61

Herbal Remedies Info; Neem Oil; 2010; http://www.herbalremediesinfo.com/teatree-neem-oregano.html