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Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

Chronic Diseases

Anyone who is thinking of getting into a healthier diet would benefit from taking vegetables which have been proven to minimize the risks of chronic diseases. The vitamins, fiber and minerals that are found in vegetables are vital to the growth and development of the body’s main organs. In addition to this, there are certain vegetables which have been proven to contain phytochemicals which are necessary to maintain a healthy body, resistant to degenerative diseases such as heart disease, certain cancers, chronic hypertension and diabetes

Balsam pear, or more popularly known as bitter melon is one of these healthy vegetables that are now gaining popularity for the benefits that they give the body. It is a common ingredient in some Asian traditional cuisine. Lately, it is also being recognized as a medicinal vegetable that has been discovered to aid in treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, gastric ailments and even cancer.

The bitter melon tree grows mostly in Asia and some parts of South America, and its fruit looks like a green cucumber with a wrinkled skin. As the fruit matures, it turns a little red-orange and become even more bitter. It is this bitterness that provides the health benefits of bitter melon, specifically because it stimulates proper digestion.

Bitter melon leaves are also brewed into a tea in South America and in other parts of Asia. The liquid coming out of these leaves have been found to contain a protein which is called lectin. When ingested, this protein has the same function as insulin, which removes excess sugar from the blood. This ingredient adds to the health benefits of bitter melon and provides the curative properties, especially for type II diabetes.

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Recent studies in the US also prove that regular intake of the bitter melon fruit or its tea can help in fighting cancer cell growth. Bitter melon has been found to be useful in treating psoriasis also. The extracts from the bitter melon leaves have been used for many years by traditional herbologists in treating infections. Because of its anti-viral properties, it is being studied now as an alternative cure against the HIV virus.

Aside from the health benefits of the bitter melon, it can also provide the body with other essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium. Vitamins A, C and B complex are also found in big doses in the bitter melon.

Bitter melon is a delicious addition to most of Asian stir fry dishes. In Indian cuisine, it is usually served with potatoes which is then served with yogurt that can minimize the bitter taste of the fruit.

Lately, some bitter melon supplements are being sold in the market as alternative treatments for diabetes. These, however, are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for very young patients. It is always best to consult your doctor before taking any health supplements so as to make sure that there will be no side effects, especially if you are taking medications for other diseases.