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Healing Dry Skin

If you suffer from Dry skin I have found some tips that have worked for me and I continue to follow them. If you want soft nourished skin just follow these tips and it can be yours. You may even notice softer and smoother skin after only a day with some of the tips. There are different causes for dry skin these include weather conditions such as cold temperatures or humidity, taking very hot baths or showers, soaps, and central heating and cooling. Dry skin may also be caused by genetics or a skin condition. If at home cares do not relieve your dry skin you should make an appointment with a dermatologists.

1. Make sure you drink plenty of water. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 full glasses of water daily. Drinking water will naturally hydrate your skin and body. If you are more active you should drink more than the 8 recommended servings of water a day.

2. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. These increase the excretion of water from your body which will leave your skin dry and damaged.

3. Take a warm bath with oil. Once you have soaked in the bath for about five minutes add about 2 Tablespoons or more of an essential bath oil or even olive oil.

4. Avoid taking hot showers or baths especially during the winter months. Instead take a luke-warm shower or bath this will help skin retain its natural moisture. The shower should only last about 5 to 10 minutes. Also pat your skin dry with your towel rather than rubbing.

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5. Use a humidifier during the winter months when the humidity is low especially during the winter months. I recommend keeping a humidifier at your office too if at all possible.

6. Protect yourself from the natural elements such as the wind, sun, heat, and cold. Apply moisturizer to your body before going outside. When it is cold be sure to keep your skin covered to avoid the damage cold air can cause. Also be sure to apply sunscreen during the summer, look for one with added aloe.

7. Increase the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. you can find Omega-3 in foods such as fish, walnuts, soy products, and flaxseed. If desired you can take a supplement, it is suggested that you take one 1300 mg. capsule daily.

8. Mix together 1 egg, 1 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp. olive oil, and a few drops of rose water. Mix together well and apply to face. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse with like-warm water and pat your face dry. Do this once a week or more often depending on the severity of your dry skin.

9. Once a week add 1 Cup of powdered milk to your running bath water. The lactic acid of the milk will remove dead skin cells leaving your skin softer and smoother. If you desire a scent add a few drops of your favorite perfume or a scented bath oil.

10. Moisturize your skin with a moisturizer that contains natural ingredients and nutrients such as vitamin E after bathing to help prevent your skin from losing any moisture. It is best to apply the moisturizer 5 to 10 minutes after getting out of the shower or bath.

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I hope these tips are helpful in your goal of achieving soft, smooth , and nourished skin. For best results use a combination or all of these tips and make it routine to keep your skin from getting dry again.
