Articles for tag: Aquarium Supplies, Fish Food, Pet Smart, Spirulina

Karla News

The Care and Feeding of Discus Fish

The colorful discus fish is very popular for fresh water aquariums but it does require some care. Its popularity is due partly to its colors, making the discus fish look more like a tropical fish than a freshwater one. People who don’t want to take the extreme care that a salt-water aquarium takes, find the ...

Karla News

Emperor Tetra Fact Sheet

Emperor Tetra Fact Sheet The Emperor Tetra, Nematobrycon palmeri, is a beautiful fish. It is one of the larger Tetras, growing to about 8 cm as a maximum, although one this large is unusual. It comes from streams and rivers of western Colombia including The Rio Atrata and The Rio San Juan. This is a ...

Karla News

Keeping Minnows as Pets: Care and Feeding

Perhaps you’ve just purchased a large supply of bait minnows or feeder-fish, and you need to know how to keep them. Or maybe you or your child “rescued” a school of fish from a backyard pond or a local stream. You know exactly what it is that you’re caring for– minnows. Right? So the answer ...