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Guide to Online Smiley Faces

When it comes to living life on the internet, smiley faces are really the only way to convey emotion. There are hundreds of variations of the simple smiley face. However, the smiley face you use on the internet can say a lot about who you are as a person, especially to your online-only contacts. The online world is a whole different world where people can be whoever they so choose, whether it is true their ‘in real life’ personality, or a completely new personality they’ve created for online use. Here’s a guide on what your smiley face could potentially say about you.

The 🙂 smiley face is the traditional smiley. It says the user may be new to the internet. However, if the user has been using the internet for a while, it may say they’re afraid of change and aren’t ready to branch out to more sophisticated smiley faces.

The =] is the caffeinated smiley. These users are generally up at ridiculous hours, hyped up on large amounts of caffeine (hence the eyes.) This smiley can also indicate a user who is afraid of offending anyone and trying to agree with everyone, everywhere, all the time.

The 😉 smiley is a dangerous smiley. These users are possibly doing things via the internet that they should not be doing. This includes online affairs, porn and various other online no-no’s.

The :O or 😮 smiley is the shocked and/or appalled smiley. This face is generally used sparingly, and can be combined with any of the smiley users above. It is not a smiley that should be put to every day use because other users will eventually assume you’re mentally ill.

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If you come across someone who frequently uses the =D or the 😀 smiley, you may want to steer clear. These people may come across as if they’re laughing the first few times, or just really happy. However, if the conversation isn’t happy, or funny – you may have a serial killer on your hands. Proceed with caution.

There are also users who use an ‘x’ for eyes; for example: xD or x) and so forth. These people have no real rhyme or reason, and could also potentially be serial killers, rapists and various other offenders. Again, proceed with caution.

Occasionally, you may come across more users who use faces such as the kitty (commonly see as: =^^=) or other various faces with more complexity. These people are generally of a higher intelligence. Their capabilities of utilizing massive amounts of keystrokes to create complex text smilies is undeniable, however they may suffer from a split personality disorder.

Last but no least, there is the sunglasses smiley (commonly seen as B) or B-) or even B^) as well as various others.) These people are idiots. There is no sun on the internet. Do not even attempt to talk to these users, unless you’re looking to boost your own self confidence or you need a good laugh.

There are also smiley faces that are just not smiley faces, for example: the frowny face; (commonly seen as 🙁 or :[ and so forth.) These people are manic depressive, it’s best to avoid their bad aura and continue on your internet way.

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Author’s Note / Disclaimer: This article is a joke. If you can’t take a joke, then… well, I don’t care. =D