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Great ‘Old School’ Quotes

Beanie, Luke Wilson, Total Eclipse of the Heart

Old School is a highly quotable movie about three friends way beyond college age who set up their own fraternity for misfits. Starring Luke Wilson as Mitch, a man just betrayed by his girlfriend, Vince Vaughn as Beanie, a sarcastic husband and father, and Will Ferrell as Frank, an unhappy newly wed, Old School is not the most mature or highbrown of movies, but it’s got a lot of really funny great lines. Here are some Old School quotes which help explain the story and the movie’s sense of humor.

“Every f—g day I fall apart.” This is the way a singer at Frank’s wedding re-styles the song ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart.” He curses through the whole thing, kind of giving the viewer the impression this is going to be a funny, off-kilter and crass movie, which is the correct impression.

“True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend…” This is Mitch speaking at Frank’s wedding, in fact giving the best man toast. Mitch has just lost his girlfriend in pretty much the exact setting he just explained. This leads Mitch to move to the house that becomes the frat house and basically spend his time enjoying life and trying to find himself, with Frank and Beanie joining him – soon to be followed by a ragtag group of others.

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“Could you earmuff it for me?’ Beanie is a dad. He often has a baby strapped to him and a little kid with him, so when he wants to swear or say something ‘adult’ in content, Beanie asks his young son to do “earmuffs” – put his hands over his ears so he can’t hear what dad and his friends are saying. This is a really funny recurring part of the story. Beanie is really deadpan.

“Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we’re going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don’t know, I don’t know if we’ll have enough time. “ This is Frank telling one of the young frat pledges about his weekend plans. Frank’s main problem in the movie is that he’s a wild guy who likes to party and act like, well, a 15 year old, so when he gets married and his wife expects more, conflict ensues.

“You’re my boy, Blue.” One of the ongoing things in Old School is this really, really old dude named Blue who joins the frat. I mean, really old. Frank especially bonds with him, and when something happens to him, Frank shows his allegience in a variety of ways.

“Lets see. Blue’s dead. Franks divorced. I’ve lost my house. Nicole thinks I’m a total jackass. And we got nine kids who are gonna get expelled from school and you’re not even gonna help them out. ” The major problem throughout the whole story is that Dean Pritchard, who turns out to be a younger brother of the ain guys’ friend, wants the frat off campus and is trying to destroy it. All the frat brothers hit a low point. But all is not lost.

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“Have at it, hoss.” Here, famed real-life politico James Carville and a team of debaters are taking on Frank and some of the frat pledges The Dean has set up a challenge where the frat must compete in a variety of things, including debate, in order to stay open as a real frat. Of course, he rigs the whole thing – which is why Carville is debating Frank. Somehow, Frank kicks butt with his response and they win that leg of the challenge. And you can probably guess how the whole thing ends.

“You just took one in the jugular, man” Maybe one of the funniest moments in Old School is when Frank gets a tranquilizer dart in he neck. His vision and hearing gets distorted and he basically trips out. It turns into a kind of somber moment when he sees his wife, who kicked him out, in his vision.
