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Goo Gone Patio Furniture Cleaner Review

Awnings, Goo Gone, Patio Furniture

Living in Alaska, we have a good 6-7 months that our summer patio furniture is in storage, and it is stored in an outdoor shed that we purchased a few years ago. When it comes time to bring our items out for the summer, they often have stains or mildew spots on them that can be difficult to clean.

I know that bleach will remove mold and mildew stains, but I really don’t like using bleach and prefer to use something a bit more gentle and natural. This is where a product like Goo Gone Patio Furniture Cleaner really shines. I was told about Goo Gone years ago, but never used it because I felt it was too toxic for my household, so when I read on the front of the Goo Gone Patio Furniture Cleaner that it was safe to use around pets and plants, I figured this version was much different and worth a try.

There are many different ways that Goo Gone Patio Furniture Cleaner can be used. It claims to clean a wide variety of surfaces, including metal, rattan, plastic, canvas, resin and wicker. You can use it to clean walls, awnings, boats and RV’s, or even decks and patios. It even has an ingredient that protects your outdoor surfaces from the harmful rays of the sun.

I am a stickler for buying products that are safe and made with natural ingredients, so I have become a label reader. I looked this bottle over thoroughly in the store to see what it was made from, but I could not find any ingredients on the front or the back of the bottle. The color of the liquid is orange, and I hoped that it would contain orange oil, and to my pleasant surprise when I sprayed it the first time, I smelled a strong orange scent that smelled like fresh cut oranges!

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The directions say to spray it on the item, let it sit for 2 minutes, then wipe it off. I don’t know what else is in Goo Gone Patio Furniture Cleaner, but this stuff works! I have several different items that are harder to clean that this product works great for. I have a patio umbrella, plastic lawn chairs, a barbecue, planters, and a wooden deck. This cleaner works great on all of these objects, but it does work best if you follow the directions and allow it to stand on the stain for a few minutes, letting it penetrate the material, then clean it off. It especially works well on plastic furniture that has mildew or tree sap on it. The cleaner loosens the stains and allows you to wipe them right off, and very little scrubbing is required. Because I don’t know exactly what else is in this cleaner, I tend to want to rinse the items after a good cleaning, but the directions do not state that you need to do so.

I did get some of this on my hands while working with it, and it did seem to be very gentle to them. Of course I washed it off at my next convenience, but it didn’t sting or dry out my hands at all. It only made them smell like oranges! The cleaner retailed for $5.99, and this one bottle will last for months, so it is a good value.