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GOD Vs. Allah

I recently had an encounter with an article entitled 99 Names of God /Allah. I personally did not have to go about reading the entire piece, (no literary disrespect intended) due to my Judaic theological education and ministerial founding. For the most part the title was all that I had to read, contrasted with the irrefutable historical knowledge that I posses throughout my Judaic Theological studies; hence, it was not prudent to attempt to read much further. Before I continue to go on, this piece is not an effort on my part to be confrontational or controversial by no mean at all… It is of my own experience, that we all at one time or another in our lives are destined to human error. In those for instances, one that specializes in the continuous studies and life application of those certain things considered Holy and of a Sacred venue, may be of some assistance in shedding a bit of loving and correctional light on the topic at hand; that being said.

A Biblical and historical point of fact, within the Hebrew ~Christian, Bible / Tenach; God himself states that he is known by more than one name. Yet alone within the Hebraic tongue there are numerous pronunciations for the name of G-D, each representing a specific personification of His being. These name variations are utilitarian as intimate and solitary utterances; the name of the Most High, spoken in such a fashion was a strong indication of ones personnel devotion, along with their spiritual growth, and development with the Most Holy of Holies. The names of God are of a sacred value to the Biblical Hebrew Nation of Israel. In addition, to note, that within the Holy Bible, it is repetitively stated that the Gentile foreign) nations will have and serve many false gods; and that we The Nation Israel (inclusive with the Protestants / Christians) are not to accept or acknowledge the false gods of the gentile nations. Hence, in accordance to The Holy Bible, the one and only God of this particular sect of peculiar people only goes by the names that actually and specifically apply to Him. To those that know the true religious historical accounts of the origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this truth is undeniable. God and Allah aren’t even on the same playing field, let alone they aren’t even immortal contemporaries, to be more exact; one of the two formerly mentioned is the by-product of the cognitive juices of a false prophet that came into his infamous notoriety by way of be a “Confidence Man”.

The dishonorable Elijah Mohammed was nothing more than an ancient old-school Middle Eastern hustler, who could not even read nor writes, but allegedly, by way of an unholy intervention wrote what the Muslims consider their bible, The Quran. {An easy to find copy, ~via The Public Library System, e-bay, or amazon.com~ of the simple to read, thought provoking, and truth revealing, non-exhaustive, ancient historical reference book: From Babylon to Timbuktu, by Rudolph R. Windsor} Before we even begin to traverse down the road to discovering Allah, I am going to take this expose back to the topic of my heading. Why God and Allah are not even in the same compatible zip code, to say the least they are far from being contemporaries. Why one is solely Omniscient and the other is a truly caustic and volatile façade that has brought many of innocent lives to a horrible and barbaric demise. Let us begin back in the ancient times somewhere about during the post-biblical era. The Hebrew Nation of Israel, throughout this particular period A.D., was not a unified nation of people; (i.e. every tribal community gathered to their own, and occupying their own territory solely, Canaan Land) however; they were as a people at the time, well established within the local/foreign business and commerce exchange. As well, they were notably influential in the political arena too, solely in part because of their well-established devotion to living in a continuous observance of the laws of their people, given to them from God, via Moses. The entire collection of these written and oral laws, were and are contained therein The Torah; also known as (in these modern day and times) the first five books of the Old English translation the King James Bible, that can still found today the English Bible, {a.k.a} Judaism… The false prophet Elijah Mohammed, (this is an early recollection of his self-serving escapades) in his day and time, was an up and coming mover and shaker. Not a man of noble lineage to say the least neither was he noted for coming from an academic up bringing; however, he was born with a natural talent for being cunning, and he further majored in the art of master manipulation and minored in religious extortion and faux holy plagiarism. Elijah M., for a brief pliable yet seasonal moment in his life, allowed himself to appear to be a non-formidable friendly associate and possible ally to the Israelite Hebrews that cohabitated upon the same geographical local as he and his relatives did. He was a constant observer of the social order of things, making sure that he kept everything in the perspective of how can these situations better benefit me? The societal / political influence of Judaism throughout the regional area stirred something up deep in the bowels of this maniacal savant. Then he pondered to himself, “if this religion can mandate such awe inspiring influence, power and respect among these mixed ethnic and faith following masses; then how much more so could a similar variation of this faith, hand crafted by yours truly, benefit me and me alone for the rest of my days? With that question posed, the prelude to the birth of the nation Islam and Allah has already advanced pass the stages of its initial volatile conception.

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The relationship that Elijah M. had forged with the Hebrews did not exist without its underlying ill intentions. As previously mentioned, he was an ardent observer of social order of things. Because of the high communal occupation of the Israelite presence, along with the constant bombardment of exposure continuously to their daily law abiding rituals,

Elijah M. himself could not have asked for a more better, popular, familiar, and socially acceptable set of religious parameters to clone, concoct and redesign as his own warped and intolerant version of that which has been instituted and forever established; given to a people set apart by the only true and Living God Himself. Any true and devout student of The Holy Scriptures could pick up a copy of the blasphemous Quran and literally dissect every part that has been siphoned out of God’s Holy doctrine. This being said, that which was made Holy, and then later tainted by the cravings of a covert lunatic, who aspired and brought about the stink of a false faith, along with a self-perpetuating 100% intolerant & murderous Jihad, {that is still in continuance to date}. Furthermore creating a virtual demigod that goes by the name of Allah, that is nothing more than a large impressionable black igneous like rock! Do your research by way of checking out the historical accounts that are hard and rare to come by at times, and are far from being mention via popular historic public academia. The God of The Jews / Israelites was grossly merciful, patient and throughout biblical documentation, tolerant of those that are not necessarily His own; as He sees fit!

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{If I may insert, from a not that long ago presidential paraphrased quote: “the Muslim and or Islamic faith, is that of a peaceful nature; I don’t think so. Someone was not reading their queue-cards correctly”?}

At the culmination of the birth of the Islamic faith, Elijah M. had approached an influential group of Hebrews. He petitioned them for some of their time; the Hebrews, trusting that this encounter was innocently on the up & up, arranged to set aside some time to come together and meet with the man that would soon be the first historically noted Anti-Shemite.

{I know that the other spelling of the term Anti-Semite is the most popular utilized idiom to date. Sadly, it is incorrect, due to the actual Judaic theological historical recalling that from Noah’s son Shem, we derive the word Anti-Shemetic, due to the simplicity of knowing that the Hebrew Israelite Nation descended directly from Shem’s lineage, via Abraham, via Isaac, and via Jacob. (who’s name was later changed by God to Israel) Hence, we gather the bigoted terminology Anti~Shemetic, which means a hater of Jews (those of the tribe of Judah) and or any of the descendent of the other 11 tribes of the nation of Israel}

At this prearranged meeting of the minds, Elijah M. had propositioned his Hebraic associates by way of asking them to support him in his up and coming psycho-religious /political campaign to create a religion suited for his own personnel social growth in status, as well as in his financial accounts too. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, he wanted to mock, in a manner of ways, a significant portion of what then was accepted socially as Judaism; he was just going to add a few permanently troublesome tweaks from his own persons. After this gathering of Israelites inclined themselves to listen to Elijah’s plight, without an absolute doubt in their minds, they scoffed at him in such a way that it spawns within him an insatiable desire to destroy them all! To put to the sword all those who stood in opposition to his plans of being a made a Religious Icon; and in turn he promised them, all that were present, that he would not rest one moment until the blood of every Israelite lay spilled before his feet. From this one mans dysfunctional fervent plight for fame and fortune; a horrible manifestation the worlds most futile and massive blood feud, still going on to date, was kindled by the notions of one of the worlds greatest idiot savants. On that note, how could we now even contrast the name of the One and Only True and Living Most High God? The one that gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believeth in the son of God may spend eternity in the Awesome Presence of The Great I am. Because being in service to Allah, brings with it the notorious and unflattering revelation of the origins of this world’s most intolerant and loveless False-god. So essentially, Allah may be the name of a demigod; but it will never be the name of The One and Only, True and Forever, Eternally Living and passionately Loving, Almighty God! Therefore, I say to you in Hebrew, Shalom (Peace) & May God bless… ©

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  • From Babylon to Timbuktu, by Rudolph R. Windsor} The holy bible (King James version)The Quran