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Get Rid of Ladybugs Naturally

Canister Vacuum, Ladybugs

How do I get rid of ladybugs naturally? It’s a common question for pest control professionals and garden stores alike. If you need to get rid of ladybugs due to a fall swarm or infestation, you know that these little golden gems can become pests quickly. Ladybugs are great for the garden. They eat aphids and don’t harm your tender vegetables. But many seek advice on how to get rid of ladybugs naturally when the helpful insects begin invading their home. Here is a little advice on how to get rid of ladybugs naturally:

Get rid of ladybugs by acting fast. If you need to get rid of ladybugs, attack when you see only two or three beetles hanging around. When they swarm, it may be very difficult to persuade them to go away because they have a method for attracting each other to a good winter hangout. The red ladybugs we all know and love die off in the fall, but the Asian Lady Beetle or golden lady bug has to find a place to spend the winter. To the ladybugs, your home seems like a pretty logical place.

Get rid of ladybugs by winterizing. Prevention is the key. Tighten up your security and you won’t have to worry about how to get rid of ladybugs. Seal up leaks around windows, doors, or in the house’s structure. Replace old or damaged weather stripping, and caulk around windows. This makes financial sense as well as lady bug sense. After all, if the lady bugs can’t get in, the cold breeze probably can’t either.

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Get rid of ladybugs by not having an attractive home. Have a dark colored house. Lady bugs are attracted to sunny, bright colored homes or homes made of light colored natural products. If you have a dark house, the Lady Bugs won’t have to be shooed off as much because they tend to not hang around shady, less desirable colors.

Get rid of ladybugs by gardening! Plant Mums around house entrances and windows, or have potted mums on your porch. These plants deter insects, including most types of beetles. Mums are a key ingredient in flea powders, and they make your home look even lovelier as well. It is a beautiful way to get rid of ladybugs.

Get rid of ladybugs by moving them. One of the easiest ways to move ladybugs is to vacuum them up. Some people prefer killing off the swarm by putting the vacuum bag into a sealed plastic bag or burning. I prefer using a canister vacuum to get rid of ladybugs, vacuuming up the bugs, and escorting them back into the garden area near the shed. Most survive the process.

Get rid of ladybugs by using diatomaceous earth. Spread some diatomaceous powder around your home on the ground along the foundation. This will only prevent them from getting into cracks in your foundation, as they can fly and enter above ground level. This is not only good for getting rid of ladybugs, it also deters other creepy crawlies.

Get rid of ladybugs by insulting their sense of smell. Citrus or Citronella scents are not well-loved by beetles. Spray citrus Lysol around doors, windows, and even on your walls. Use orange furniture polish on wood paneling, shelves, and walls to give your home a less desirable scent for ladybugs. Not only will you get rid of ladybugs, it will give your home a nice clean smell.

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Get rid of ladybugs by getting rid of their calling cards. If you find a ladybug nesting area, clean up the pheromone with enzyme cleaner immediately and follow with a spritz of orange cleaner. Ladybugs spray great places to live through the winter with a scent to attract other ladybugs. It is hard to get rid of ladybugs if they have scented up a spot in your home. Though you may not smell the perfume yourself, the ladybugs can pick it up from far away, and they tend to be persistent to follow it. Spray your home with a hose often to reduce traces of ladybug pheromones.

Get rid of ladybugs with spice. Another well regarded way to get rid of ladybugs in our family is to make a clove and bay leaf sachet. This is a great deterrent for some varieties of ladybugs, but I’m not sure why it works. My grandmother from Germany always used cloves and bay leaves to make the lady bugs disappear. She said that was the best way to get rid of ladybugs and it makes your home smell better.

Don’t sweat it. Maybe you don’t need to get rid of ladybugs. You could decide to leave them alone. They can’t damage your home, don’t bite or sting (though they can pinch), and are beneficial to your garden. Sharing your home with ladybugs in the winter is not something you will notice too much. They tend to find a crevice and not creep out too often. If you don’t mind the ladybugs, don’t get rid of ladybugs, just live with them. After all, if you’re a gardening enthusiast, the ladybugs will prove very helpful in the upcoming summer.