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Genital Hair Removal for Men

Depilatories, Electrolysis

How do men deal with their excessive genital hairs? You don’t have to be a genius to know the answer for this – removal of genital hair is the answer! While men know they have to remove such ugly sight they have to do it in the right way. And what is the best approach in getting rid of it? What then is the best genital hair removal for men? Check out below the different methods and decide which one would best suit you.


This is the most basic of all. Trimming your pubic hair is the way and you have two options which are the use of scissors or electric trimmers. Scissors are good if you are skilled enough to use it however electric trimmer is most recommended. The advantage of this method is that it is affordable and procedure is quite easy however you have to do it frequently depending on how fast your pubic hair grows back.


Shaving is another option for men and they consider it as familiar and a good solution. It is fast and easy and you will have a super clean and hygienic look. The only thing is that you have to shave every two to three days and when the hair grows back, it can be itchy.


Depilatory cream is effective in removing pubic hair. It dissolves hair so that it is easy to wipe it away. They can cost a little bit than the other two discussed above but the process is easy and fast. If you decide to use depilatory cream then make sure to test the product in a small area of your skin and leave it there for 48 hours and see if there is no allergic reaction.

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Waxing is another method too but be prepared for it is a painful process, a bit expensive and not that good in removing pubic hair. So if you ever decide to try this out then be careful because the skin in your genital area is quite sensitive.


If you want a more permanent method then check out electrolysis. If you are really serious of getting rid of it and you are affected with it then go for electrolysis and you will be assured to say goodbye to you pubic hair forever. One visit can certainly remove your pubic hair forever though the process might take hours and it won’t be such an enjoyable experience. The advantage is obvious, you are hair free forever but it can be very expensive.


A less painful option than electrolysis is the Laser hair removal which provides a permanent solution too to your problem. It is quick and painless but then again it is very expensive.

Therefore genital hair removal for men is not really a problem unless you know the right approach that would work best for you.
