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Fundraising for Mission Trips; Church Youth Group Funding

Some of the best memories from my high school years came from mission trips I participated in with my church, 2nd Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I was able to be a part of something truly special and I will never forget my time spent in Hyde County, North Carolina, Reynosa, Mexico, and Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. We built small dwellings, repaired houses, taught young children, held vacation bible school classes, and even fixed up an old basketball gym for school children.

Not only are they a lot of fun – the groups that participate in mission trips make a huge difference in the communities they visit and the lives of the people they help. They can only accomplish these missions if they receive funding, as the places they serve are not able to reimburse them for their costs. The funds often come from the participants’ parents or the church, but far too often – the cost exceeds what the people who are serving on the trip are able to pay.

Fundraising is vital to allow more mission trips to happen and for more students and helpers attend so they can give back to those who are less fortunate in the name of Christ.

Ways to Get Your Message Out
Marketing your cause is extremely important in order to inform people about your mission and why you need their help and support. Here are several ways to get the message about your upcomingmission trip out to others.

Suggestions for getting your message out
-Church/Community Newsletter
-Ask to speak about your trip in church
-Post flyers/information at local coffee shops and restaurants
-Contact media (newspapers, news stations, locally based websites, etc.)
-Create a Facebook page for your mission trip
-Create a website or blog about your trip and update it during the mission

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Ways to Fundraise
Now that you have marketed your message and you have people aware of your trip, it is time to ask for their support. Fundraising can be done in more ways than ever before thanks to new fundraising tools and websites dedicated to fundraising. There is no right or wrong way to fundraise, but the more ways you get your message out and opportunities you provide potential donors to give, the better.

With the technology available, there is no excuse for any groups not to use both online and in-person fundraising. Using both of these will help increase the possibility of reaching your goal. Give every opportunity to potential donors whether you are hosting a fundraising event or just talking to someone at church. Share your mission and let them know how they can give. Make sure to clearly ask them for their support.

If you are considering a fundraiser, here are several ideas:

Fundraising ideas
-Bake sale
-Car wash
-Spaghetti dinner, burger fry
-Yard work at church member’s houses

If you do decide to host a fundraising event, provide opportunities for people to give more. Many people will give even if they do not know you or your purpose. Every penny counts. Have your online donation information and in-person collection can at every event, church function, and anywhere that will help you engage people who may be interested in helping.

Example – Trinity Lutheran Church, Utica, Michigan
Serving others is something very important for Trinity Lutheran Church in Utica, Michigan. In March of 2013, they will be leaving their homes in Michigan and will travel to Haiti in an effort to provide medical care and comfort for those who are in need and suffering from diseases and poverty. To further their mission and raise the money needed for their mission, they launched a coordinated effort utilizing effective marketing and online and in-person fundraising using Dibbee.com.

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To kick off the campaign, they sent a detailed letter and email describing their mission and an ask for prayers and support. The letter included information on how someone can write a check and submit to the church, make on online donation through Dibbee.com, or make a cash and/or check donation using a Dibbee donation can. The portable donation cans are given to participants in the fundraiser that they can use to ask for and collect contributions. The organizers created a Facebook page, created business cards for the fundraising cause online, worked closely with the church to make sure their cause received as much exposure as possible during their services, and promoted their trip outside of church as well. With several weeks to go, they have already raised over half of their $2,000 goal.

You are doing a great thing! Do not be afraid to share your message with everyone. Don’t see it as asking for money, see it as giving others the opportunity to help you spread your mission and the message of Christ further and thus help more people. Fundraising can often be just as important as the good you will be doing on your mission trip. Not only does fundraising create a team and help build a community of support for the mission, without the funding, you may not be able to go and serve. Have a safe and blessed trip, and thank you for providing much needed care and ministry to people in need.

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