Karla News

Heroic Children of 2011

Boogie Boarding

Do you have the guts to give your life for another? Have you ever been so touched by death that you create a wave of donations to save a life? While most people cannot say yes to these questions, there are 4 amazing kids that have. The generosity and selflessness of these kids is so rare and astounding it will bring you to tears and maybe ignite a new movement to help others.

Grab a Kleenex and get ready to meet 4 kids that truly are gifts to society.

9 Year Old Brings Water to Thousands

At the age of 9, Rachel Beckwith was asking for donations on behalf of Charity: Water in lieu of gifts for her birthday. Kids at this age dream of dolls, iPods, and cell phones, but Rachel Beckwith dreamed of giving life through water to kids that were dying by the age of 5. She made a website asking for donations to meet her $300 goal. Shortly after, her life was taken in a horrific car accident, but through her death lives will be saved. Her page was re-opened and donations topping $800,000 flooded the site for the charity: Water.

To honor this young life by saving others, visit Rachel’s site here.

Girl Rescues Drowning Victim against Father’s Wishes

The word hero is a powerful word and is reserved for people like 12 year old Nicole Kissel. On a Washington beach kids were boogie boarding and enjoying the ocean as usual until Nicole Kissel heard a cry for help past the turbulent waves. She immediately turned her board to rescue him as her father warned of the dangers, according to ABC News. After reaching the boy and securing him on her board, another wave rips through and flings the children into the ocean again. While she was able to get back on, he was sent back to sea. Rescuers were able to find him and resuscitate him at the hospital after intense CPR, but without her help in the critical timeline, his life might have been lost.

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Kids Help Kids in Joplin

It is hard to believe that a 6 year old has the capacity to understand a tragedy but even harder to imagine them leading a charity to help kids. Six year old Texas twins, Brock and Baron Shoopman, were so distraught that kid victims of the Joplin tornado did not have any toys that they told their parents they wanted to donate their toys. Then Brock and Baron decided they wanted to ask their friends to donate their toys, and so the charity Backpacks and Bikes for Joplin-Kids Helping Kids, was born. With other parents getting involved, donations exploded amounting to 66 bicycles and scooters, 240 backpacks loaded with school supplies and toys, and over 300 pairs of shoes. They are currently working on other projects to continue helping kids with other needed items.