Karla News

Fun Suggestions for Girls / Ladies Night Out

Quilt Show

I am very fortunate to have a lot of friends in my life, particularly the three gals that I work with. They are three very intelligent, interesting women who have not only become very good colleagues, but great friends outside of the office as well. With them, I can truly be myself and have a good time. And we’re never at a loss for things to do.

If you’d like to plan a girls night out, but are not sure what to do, here are a few fun suggestions of what we’ve done and then some:

Craft night:
Craft night can be a fun way to express yourself and a great excuse to get together with your girlfriends. And it doesn’t matter what your specialty is, as long as it’s portable. If it’s not, invite the gals to your house so that you’ll have access to all your materials. If you and your girlfriends like to scrap book, gather all your things together and allow each other to share supplies. This way you’ll have a variety of things to choose from to enhance your book, cards, or whatever you are working on. Crocheting and knitting is fun too. It’s easy to carry around and relaxing to do. Add pizza, appetizers, and a few bottles of wine, and you’ll have a great night with your girlfriends.

Pick an event your guys would never go to:
Girlfriends night out is a license to do whatever you want! Go the Museum, take in a play, or do what I did recently – I went to a quilt show with my girlfriend and we had a great time. Do whatever the husband won’t do with you.

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Take a class together:
Learning has always been of the things that I love to do, and fortunately, the three gals that I mentioned earlier love to learn too. Hey, we even work at a university – what do you expect? We’ve been to basket weaving classes together and it was great fun. Not only that, but we were able to walk away with an absolutely beautiful handmade basket that will be a family heirloom. If basket weaving isn’t your thing, try cake decorating, scrap booking, cooking, floral arranging, or even investing.

Cook out:
If you are really into the culinary arts, I know I am when I am not rushed for time, find a place in your area such as “My Girlfriends Kitchen” and make reservations. Places like this are popping up all over the country and they allow you to come to their location and cook several meals at a time. This way you have fun cooking with your girlfriends, you make healthy meals, and you are preparing for your busy week so you’ll have meals on hand, already made.

Don’t do anything:
As women we are always on the move with the family, the job, the house, and more. So treat you and your girlfriends to a relaxing night out at a local hangout. Order appetizers, dinner, desserts, and food, wine, or your beverage of choice, and just do what us women do best – talk!

Have spa night:
There is nothing better than getting pampered so why not go to a local spa and get manicures and pedicures together? If a high end salon is too expensive, make an appointment at a local beauty school where the prices are much lower or have all the gals to your house and do your own pampering.

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Whatever you choose to do, make sure you have a great time and try to schedule these girls nights out on a regular basis. You and your girlfriends deserve it!
