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Fun & Safe Ways to Highlight Kids Hair

Kids enjoy having different colors in their hair not just for Halloween. A great time to experiment colors in a child’s hair is summer. This way if you end up not liking it, no need to worry school is out for summer.

A lot of parents are very considered when it comes to coloring a kids head. They worry about damage to the hair, health issues, and hair texture changing. If your child wants highlights in their hair use some cool alternatives. This way your child will be happy, and the color will wash out.

Safe Fun Highlighting Techniques For Kids

The first fun idea is too use wet colored chalk. Yes, you heard right. If you are looking to change colors every day, or a color that washes out in one shampoo this would work great.

You will need a regular box of colored chalk, small bowl of water, towel, and comb.

Fill the bowl 1/4 of the way with warm water. Then take the color choice of chalks and place them into the bowl. Make sure they are completely covered. Leave them in the water for 5-15 minutes. The longer the timing, the better the color. The colors will be extremely vibrant from the water.

Place a pair of gloves on. Then talk the chalk the highlight desired hairs. Place in the front, back, sides, or bottom. Have fun, and enjoy. Allow the chalk to dry on the hair. This will come out with one normal shampoo.

The second fun idea is to use is washable markers. Make sure the hair is completely dry. Then choose the color of choice and make your highlights. You can make them subtle, or drastic. The best washable marker is Crayola. This will wash out in one good shampoo. Make sure to scrub.

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Colored art paint- Buy the washable paints from the craft store. Paint on the hair to create highlights. Allow the paint to dry for 20 minutes before touching. Once the paint is dried, you can comb the hair lightly. This will wash out with 2 vigorous shampoos.

Colored ink- This highlighting technique last slightly longer. Depending on the hair color, and it’s porosity the ink can actually remain on the hair anywhere from 1 washing to 4 weeks. Choose blue, black, red, purple, or green. Take the tip off the top, but make sure the ink does not start dripping all over the place.

Place a pair of gloves on, and dip a cotton swab into the ink. Now rub the ink onto the strands of hair carefully. Make sure to really coat the hair. Allow the ink to dry for 20 minutes before touching.

Once the ink is fully dry, blot each strand with a wet towel. Do not over saturate the hair. Spray a leave in conditioner all over the head.

If your child is looking for something that lasts longer, then you have to go a step further to the Kool-Aid, Jello, PAAS Easter egg dye, or food coloring.

To get an idea with the chalk, I included a picture. This highlighting technique was done on my daughter’s hair.

Sources: Professional beautician/personal experience