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Fun Facts About Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger

Harry Potter Character, Hermione, Hermione Granger, J.K. Rowling

Hermione Granger is one of the most popular characters from the Harry Potter series. She is especially popular with young female fans that see this character as a role model. Hermione Granger not only receives “Outstanding” grades in her classes, but she is also a very strong character who proves that girls can be just as good as the boys. The following are just some of the fun facts about this Harry Potter character.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #1: Full Name

Her full name is Hermione Jane Granger. J.K. Rowling chose Hermione’s first name from a William Shakespeare play. But, the real reason J.K. Rowling chose such a strange name is because she didn’t want to choose a name that was common. She felt that if she chose a common name, there may be a chance of girls with similar characteristics and names getting made fun of.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #2: Muggle Parents

Hermione Granger’s parents are just normal Muggles. In fact, they are both dentists and haven’t got a magical bone in their body. They have also remained nameless.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #3: Almost Ended Up in Ravenclaw

We all know that Hermione Granger is smart, but she is so smart that she was almost sorted into the Ravenclaw House. Ravenclaw is known for having smart students who love learning. These characteristics fit this Harry Potter character nicely, but the fact is she ended up in Gryffindor.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #4: Founder of S.P.E.W.

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Hermione Granger was simply appalled at the way house elves were treated. As a way of helping them, she started S.P.E.W. which stands for Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare. But, the sad fact is, house elves actually like being treated the way they are and have no interest in being set free.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #5: Her Wand is Made Out Of……..

Hermione Granger’s wand is made out of vine wood and has a core made out of dragon heartstring.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #6: Gryffindor Prefect

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, she became a prefect. One can only assume that she will become Head Girl for Gryffindor in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #7: Is an Only Child

A really fun fact is that J.K. Rowling had originally intended to give Hermione a younger sister, but she unfortunately ran out of time to add the character.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Hermione Granger #8: Modeled after J.K. Rowling Herself

If you want to know what J.K. Rowling might have been like in school, take a good look at this Harry Potter character. While Hermione Granger may not be the same as Rowling in every way, she is in fact modeled after the Rowling.
