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Fun Crafts for Sand

Baby Food Jars

Sand, it always manages to come home from the beach with you, rather then cursing it when you are away, Collect it and make some fun crafts out of it.

Colored Sand.

This is fun an easy to do, all you need is some sand from the beach, try shaking out your shoes, some food coloring, and a container for every different color you wish to make. Start with putting your sand in each container. Add enough water to cover the sand, then add a generous amount of food coloring. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors. Then sit the bowl aside and let the water evaporate leaving the color on the sand. It can take quite a bit of time. If the water fails to completely evaporate and the sand has reached the color you like, dump the water out and dry your sand on paper towels. Colored sand can be used to put in jars and bottles. Or used in making picture frames.

Sand Candle Holders.

When you buy votive or other small candles, its best to put them in some kind of holder or container. Here as a fun simple idea to use your colored sand with. Collect small jars such as baby food jars. Or slightly larger. Then fill partially with the colored sand. Push your votive into the sand, Wedging it in firmly. This method can also be used to hold pillar or taper candles. Pillars, depending on their size will need a larger container, however Tapers no matter their length will fit fine in baby food jars. You can find an assortment of pretty glass jars, or even goblets and wineglasses that can be used as candle holders at second hand stores for relatively inexpensive. They can also be reused. Sometimes the sand can be recycled as well. Putting your candles in the sand provides a solid ground for them to sit in, helping to prevent spills as well as collect melted wax, which will pull right out of the sand.

See also  15 Uses for Baby Food Jars

Beach in a Jar.

Visiting new beaches is fun. And many have very different types of sand. From white sand to black sand, from shale and rock to silt. A great way to remember the beaches you have been to is to create a Beach in a jar.

You will need tall canning jars with wide mouths and the souvenirs you have collected from the beach.

There are several ways you can create these. One being a stationary one. One that never moves, Or one you shake to see the treasures. This is your choice.

1. For a stationary Jar.

Pour a bit of sand into the jar to make the bottom covered. You can even make this a little deeper if you like. Then places shells, pebbles, driftwood. sea glass and other treasures you have found in the jar, carefully. You don’t want to shake the jar. You can fill it as full as you like. Then screw the lid on tightly and use a hot glue gun to put more treasures on the lid of the jar. You can even tie a ribbon around the mouth if you like.

2. For a movable jar, its much easier. Fill the jar most of the way with sand then add your treasures. This jar shows your treasures by flipping it upside down, each time you turn the jar you have a chance at seeing new treasures. Make sure you are gentle when turning your jar as shells break easily. Putting shells in with pebbles isn’t always a good idea.

Don’t forget to write the name of the beach where you were at and the date.

See also  Uses for Baby Wipe Boxes and Food Jars

Sand Art.

This project is fun for children. And another use for the colored sand mentioned above.

You will need sheets of stiff paper, such as poster board, sand and glue.

1.Have children draw a picture on their paper using glue. Perhaps of the beach they have visited. Make sure there aren’t large globs of glue left on the paper anywhere.

2.Before the glue is dry pour handfuls of sand over the image. Let it sit for a few minutes then shake the access sand into a container.