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French Baby Names for Boys or Girls

Boys Names, Girls Names

French is a beautiful language- the language of love. What a wonderful idea it is to chose something French for your baby’s name. French names not only sound beautiful, but have beautiful meanings, as well.

French Girls Names:

Aimee: Beloved.What a fitting name for your precious girl! A variation would be the American spelling A-m-y.

Bonamie: Literally translates to “good friend”. This not only sounds pretty, but has a great meaning.

Charlotte: Petite and feminine. This is an especially good choice if the girls in your family tend to be small and enjoy the girlie-girl side of life!

Chantal: Stone, (or possibly) singer. This name sounds beautiful! It works well for a solid person, or for someone who’s likely to have musical gifts.

Clarice: The little brilliant one. Very witty choice for a family that tends to be height-challenged intellectuals!

Estelle: A star. So many meanings here. It could be the brilliance of a night star. Or the Star of Bethlehem if you have a Christmas baby. Or it could be a star as in celebrity if your family happens to be talented in the fine arts!

Elle: Woman, girl. This name is lovely and simple at the same time, much like its meaning.

Isabella: Consecrated to God. Appropriate for families who feel that their baby’s name should be a tribute to the Lord.

Jolie: Pretty. A pretty sounding name for your pretty girl!

Nanette: Grace, or favored by God. Appropriate for families who feel that their baby’s name should be a tribute to the Lord.

Suzette: A Lily. Very French sounding and the meaning is appropriately “green” for the new millennium.

See also  20 Gaelic Baby Names

Tiffany: Appearance of God. Appropriate for families who feel that their baby’s name should be a tribute to the Lord.

Valerie: Valor, strong. This comes from Old French and the meaning (valor) is closely related to the sound.

French Boys Names:

Beau: Handsome, beautiful. What a fitting name for your precious boy!

Beaumont: A beautiful hill or mountain. Very French sounding and the meaning is appropriately “green” for the new millennium.

Bellamy: A handsome friend. A unique and cool sounding name that has a wonderful meaning!

Bruce: Woods. A manly sounding name and the meaning is appropriately “green” for the new millennium.

Chandler: candle maker. If you like the sound of Chandler, or you were a big fan of Friends’ Chandler Bing, this could be the right name for your baby boy!

Clark: A cleric or scholar. A solid sounding name for a family of academics.

Gage: A pledge. A strong sounding name that connotes integrity and strength of character.

Gardiner: One who tends the garden. Very French sounding and the meaning is appropriately “green” for the new millennium.

Grant: The large or tall one.

Jean: God is gracious. Appropriate for families who feel that their baby’s name should be a tribute to the Lord.

Pierre: A stone or rock. Very French sounding, solid, and “green”.

Talbot: Reward. Another way of recognizing that our children are gifts, or, in other words, rewards.


