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Free Tutoring for Low Income Children

Free Tutoring, Tutoring

Supplemental Educational Services (SES), provided through The No Child Left Behind Act is a service that provides free tutoring for children who qualify. There are certain criteria these children must meet in order to be fully qualified. If the child meets the criteria they are eligible to receive free tutoring.

Here is a list of things that makes a child qualified:

1. The child must attend a Title I school. These schools did not meet the AYP or Adequate Yearly Progress list for three years in a row and are in dire need of academic improvement.

2. He or she must be from a family who has low income and receives free or reduced lunch.

The SES program can provide a great benefit to children who find it difficult to keep up in a regular classroom setting. Whether they receive tutoring before or after class, or on the weekends, these services can encourage the child to learn the necessary skills to work in the classroom and individually because they receive more one on one attention.

The school is required to inform the parent that they provide free tutoring services. If not the parent’s of the child inquire about the service themselves by either contacting the school or the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-872-5327. You can also check to see if there are SES providers locally in your state by going to the SES By State page. Call up these providers for additional information.

These programs are run by a wide range of tutoring services, whether they are for profit, non-profit, religious based groups, community organizations, colleges and many other sources. The state will help you to determine what providers are qualified, you will sign a contract, and your school district will pay the provider the necessary funding.

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When considering a tutor for your child, choose wisely, according to what you would prefer for your child. Some questions to ask are:

1. Where will my child be tutored? Some providers offer help on-line, in-home, at a tutoring facility or a location of your choice.

2. Do you provide transportation? If not you as the parent may have to arrange to have your child dropped off and picked up.

3. What are the scheduled days and times for tutoring?

4. Do you offer one on one tutoring or with a group of other children? If your child needs as much attention as possible you may want to opt for a tutor who offers private tutoring.

5. Do you have positive references such as parents, teachers, children’s report cards or other data that makes you stand out as a provider?

6. What subjects do you focus on?

Low income families have the opportunity to invest in their children through SES Tutoring Service. Helping children to become high achievers builds up their self-worth, the school’s name, and the community. Parents should be informed of this opportunity and encouraged to take part.


