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Four Signs that You’re in True Labor

Braxton Hicks, Braxton Hicks Contractions, Contractions, Natural Labor

When I was pregnant with my first two children I experienced a lot of false contractions, also known as braxton hicks contractions, late in my pregnancy. I had cesareans with my first two children, but delivered vaginally with my third. Prior to my youngest child’s birth, however, I didn’t know how to tell the difference between my braxton hicks contractions and “real” contractions. Here are some signs that your contractions are real labor and not just a false alarm.

They are regular and consistent
Real contractions that are caused by labor are regular and consistent. Braxton hicks contractions can be regular too, however, braxton hicks contractions should slow down or become less intense if you relax. If laying down, resting or taking a warm bath doesn’t decrease the intensity or extend the time between the contractions, your contractions are likely labor.

The pain starts in your back
For most women, braxton hicks contractions are felt only in the front of the stomach as the uterus tightens up and becomes hard to the touch. In most women, real contractions begin in the lower back and work their way around the front. Of course, not every woman is the same and each pregnancy is unique so don’t over- or under-estimate your contractions on the basis of where the pain originates.

Often, dehydration can cause contractions even if the woman isn’t going into true labor. If you’re unsure if your contractions are the real thing, try drinking a couple glasses of water, more if you’d like, and see if the contractions continue to gain intensity or if they weaken and become further apart. If the contractions continue, they’re likely a sign of true labor.

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Contractions are accompanied by bloody discharge
When a woman nears labor, she may experience bloody mucous-like discharge from her vagina. This blood-tinged mucous is often referred to as “bloody show” and can be a sign of impending labor. If contractions are accompanied by this bloody discharge, it may be a sign that it’s time to get ready for a baby.

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