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Foods to Boost Men’s Libido

Libido, Oysters

Foods that increase the libido in men, and women, are known as aphrodisiacs. The chemical compounds within these foods react within the body to enhance both physical and mental arousal. Speak with your physician about any aphrodisiac, especially if you are on certain medications or if you have health complications, such as high blood pressure.

Raw Oysters:

Traditionally, raw oysters have been consumed to elevate sexual desire and performance. Oysters contain a high concentration of zinc, which in men increases the production of sperm as well as testosterone. By elevating the levels of testosterone, sexual desire becomes stronger, which is why it is commonly used as an aphrodisiac. Oysters also release the chemical dopamine within the brain. This hormone causes a sense of euphoria as well as increasing the libido. Not only are oysters a chemical aphrodisiac, but the act of consuming them can also physically set the mood. Make sure that prior to consuming raw oysters, you generously wash the shells and scrub them with a clean sponge. Gently pry the shells open and lay them on ice and sparingly douse them with fresh lemon juice for flavor.


Avocado has been used for centuries for its taste and its sexual enhancing qualities. Because the appearance of an avocado resembles a certain part of the male anatomy, the Aztecs dubbed this plant, testicle tree. The avocado contains a high concentration of folic acid, which works in the body to metabolize proteins, thus elevating energy levels. There is also vitamin B6 within this fruit, which supports hormone production in men. This food will enhance the libido by increasing the amount of arousal hormones in the system as well as for its sensual appearance. To consume an avocado for libido purposes, cut the fruit in half and remove the pit. With a butter knife, scoop the meat out of the skin and place on a plate. You can slice the meat into small strips while you and your partner feed each other.


While garlic has strong aromatic qualities, its main compound, allicin, increases the flow of blood to the male sexual organs. When the blood flow is increased to the penis, this organ is able to maintain firmer erections, which is ideal for men who have symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Because garlic can emit odors from bodily fluids, not just breath, consuming garlic capsules will introduce allicin to the system without the off-putting odor.